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  Dielectronic recombination-assisted laser spectroscopy  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 61     Entry time: Thu May 12 14:04:09 2022
Author: Konstantin 
Category: DAQ 
Subject: Go4 Laserstep histograms adapted 
In order to correctly display the gated PMT signals PMT Middle and PMT North some modifications in the Go4 code were necessary. Affected files are TLdaAnlProc.cxx, TLdaAnlProc.h and TLdaInputDescription.h.
Modifications are indicated according to the scheme "//-- HH:MM mm-dd-yyyy: <description>" (an example is given in the attached screenshot). They were needed to

  1. Create relevant histograms (change of variable MAX_STEP from 10 to 13 and insertion of histogram names "QSWP1MS", "NORTH_GATED" and "MIDDLE_GATED" in the std::string array stepNames.
    Both adaptions were made in TLdaInputDescription.h)

  2. Fill the respective histograms. Changed lines of files TLdaAnlProc.cxx, TLdaAnlProc.h are listed below.

filename modified lines
TLdaAnlProc.h 47
TLdaAnlProc.cxx 258-261, 381-394, 442-443, 484-494, 536-542
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