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  Dielectronic recombination-assisted laser spectroscopy  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 71     Entry time: Mon May 16 17:15:56 2022
Author: Carsten 
Category: Analysis 
Subject: DAQ /Analysis - shift of peaks in the accumulated spectra, changes in code 
After a phone call with Wilfried I implemented an offset to all hit channels of the stacked / accumulated spectra where one chekcs the timing peaks.

Therfore, I made a copy of the analysis in 208Bi1 (one "1" at the end). And here, in the file TLdaAnlProc.cxx I added an offset of +70 to the hit channel (variable UInt_t hit, around line 335 /336 of the code).
Pleasse note that I just inlcuded one line with a "magic" number here, since I cannnot test teh compiling and was afraid to introduce an error.

So the lines were

UInt_t hit =tdcSE[i][j];

changed to 

UInt_t hit =tdcSE[i][j];
hit = hit + 70;

Plesaede note that you need to recompile and check and set all conditions for the time-preak window.

So , you now use the analysis in 208Bi1
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b