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  Dielectronic recombination-assisted laser spectroscopy  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 86     Entry time: Mon May 30 02:12:20 2022
Author: Max, Patrick, ~Konstantin, Ragan, Ken 
Category: Runs 
Subject: runs night shift 30.05. 
These are the first runs of the substitute beamtime.

Time ESR-intensity ESR-intensity after orbit change cooler-HV LMD-DAQ2 file nr LMD-DAQ1 file nr scan range(nm) step width increment (nm) dwell time(s) n loops comments
02:00 ? 8.0e6 223217 632 8158 601.95 - 601.734 0.005 5s 5 Resonance found in first scan. The resonance is much broader due to a broader ion beam.
02:28 ? 7.0e6 223217 633 8159 601.9 - 601.7 0.005 5s 5 Same injection.
02:52 ? 6.3e6 223217 634 8160 601.9 - 601.7 0.005 5s 5 Same injection. Adjusted gates in go4.
03:14 ? 5.6e6 223439 637 8163 601.9 - 601.7 0.005 5s 5 Same injection. Auto-impedance enabled -> correct voltages. NTCAP started shortly after scan start.
03:35 ? 3.0e5 ? (under range) 223439 639 8164 601.9 - 601.7 0.005 5s 5 Scraped the lower charge state beam by moving S1HA to pos. -30 (from the left).
04:50 ? 1.1e7 223439 640 8165 601.9 - 601.7 0.005 5s 5 Laser beam position slightly corrected for new ion beam position, see ID:84.
05:05 ? 1.0e7 223439 641 8166 601.9 - 601.7 0.005 5s 5 See picture (this + previous run)
05:21 ? 1.0e7 223439 642 8167 601.9 - 601.7 0.005 5s 5 Moved S1HA to -35 to get rid of the charge transferred beam.
05:33 ? 9.0e6 223439 644 8169 601.9 - 601.7 0.005 5s 5
05:52 ? 9.0e5 223439 645 8170 601.9 - 601.7 0.005 5s 5 Scraped main beam for lower beam intensities.
There were some issue with the acquisition, and thus there are some empty files
06:08 ? 4.e5 223438 650- 8172 601.9 - 601.7 0.005 3s 25
07:11 ? 1.15e7 223438 653 8173 601.9 - 601.7 0.005 3s 25 laser scan was not started
07:17 ? 1.03e7 223438 654-656 8174 601.9 - 601.7 0.005 3s 25
08:33 ? 6e6 223438 658-660 8176 601.9 - 601.7 0.005 3s 25 ESR scraper not in
09:27 ? 5.5e6 223438 661-667 8178 601.9 - 601.7 0.005 3s 25 XUV detector running again, signal of PMT north and middle in att. 2
10:15 ? <<1e6 223438 668 8179 601.9 - 601.7 0.005 3s 25 very low beam intensity

Note: PMT north does not see a resonance.

Note: PMT north does see a resonance after changing to the broadband PMT.
Attachment 1: 2022-05-30_resonance_10_loops.png  25 kB  Uploaded Mon May 30 06:19:36 2022  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: 48_AM.png  21 kB  Uploaded Mon May 30 10:39:04 2022  | Hide | Hide all
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