NucAR lab laser_lab Fritz-Bosch-Lab X-Ray Lab target Beavertail
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Message ID: 17     Entry time: Tue Dec 12 12:57:16 2023
Author: Jan 
Category: DAQ 
Subject: test lmd-files with pulser 
We took a few lmd-files with different settings of the febex DAQ to provide data for go4 development, when the DAQ is not running.
The files are located at lxg1048:/data.local2/2023_pleiades

timesorter_sparcifying.lmd - both nodes delivering data to the timesorter (sparcifying on)
timesorter_traces.lmd      - both nodes delivering data to the timesorter (sparcifying off)
x86l-124_sparcifying.lmd   - single node data (sparcifying on)
x86l-124_traces.lmd        - single node data (sparcifying off)
x86l-131_sparcifying.lmd   - single node data (sparcifying on)
x86l-131_traces.lmd        - single node data (sparcifying off)

Both systems run on a 70 Hz pulser via 4 MesyTec preamps into 3 febex cards.
For unknown reasons x86l-124 delivers more data than x86l-131 when sparcifying is on. However, the threshold settings were not checked.

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b