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  nuclear two-photon decay 2024  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 4     Entry time: Thu May 9 10:01:59 2024
Author: Ruijiu Chen 
Category: DAQ 
Subject: NI crate of NTCAP system can not be started. 
After moving the NTCAP system from HKR to ESR Messhutte, we tested the system with a signal generator on 16th February and confirmed that it was functioning correctly.

On 7th May, I and David tried to start the NTCAP system again. However, the main computer of the NTCAP system took a significantly longer time to boot up on 7th May. We 
managed to collect some data and subsequently shut down the LabVIEW interface on 7th May. The NTCAP system was running well during the test. In the afternoon of 7th May, to 
replace the new monitor, I turned off the NTCAP system except the hard disk of NTCAP.


On the morning of 8th May, I noticed an alert warning on the hard disk of the NTCAP system. Moreover, I found the NTCAP computer unexpectedly turned on. When I 
tried to start the system today at the office, it failed to boot. The SP Device indicator was flashing, and then the system powered down by itself.

I am concerned that not shutting down the hard disk might have contributed to these issues, although I am not entirely sure. 

1. Comparison of tdms files between 16th February and 7th May.
IQ_2024-02-16_11-00-53  0000000.iq.tdms   4196035 kB
IQ_2024-02-16_11-00-53  0000001.iq.tdms   4196035 kB
IQ_2024-02-16_11-00-53  0000002.iq.tdms   4196035 kB

IQ_2024-05-07_10-24-21  0000000.iq.tdms   4196035 kB
IQ_2024-05-07_10-24-21  0000001.iq.tdms   4196035 kB
IQ_2024-05-07_10-24-21  0000002.iq.tdms   4196035 kB

SC 2024-02-16[11-01-31 0000000.sc.tdms  386 kB
SC 2024-05-07 10-23-49 0000000.sc.tdms  136 kB

The iq and sc files recorded on 7th May are the same as the files which were recorded on 16 February. However, it took a long time to start the NTCAP system on 7th 
May. It seems that the status of NTCAP was wrong on 7 May. 

2. The hard disk of the NTCAP system was the old one on 06 February. The hard disk was replaced on 6th February and 7th May. 
Attachment 1: VID_20240508_113353.mp4  23.607 MB  Uploaded Thu May 9 11:03:08 2024
Attachment 2: dc36252cc5b2262cb6eab099009f16ed.mp4  556 kB  Uploaded Thu May 9 11:11:50 2024
Attachment 3: comparision_iq.jpg  4.442 MB  Uploaded Thu May 9 11:55:03 2024  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 4: comparision_sc.jpg  5.837 MB  Uploaded Thu May 9 11:55:19 2024  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 5: comparision_sc.png  747 kB  Uploaded Thu May 9 12:22:05 2024  | Hide | Hide all
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