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  nuclear two-photon decay 2024  Not logged in ELOG logo
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Message ID: 70     Entry time: Fri May 17 17:03:39 2024
Author: Helmut, Yury 
Category: Accelerator 
Subject: approx. 96Sr setting 
Only 96Sr would yield very few line with only ions from tiem to time.
So we went a bit lower in Brho 7.69 Tm -> 7.65 Tm.
The setting is calculated as a 98Mo39+.
E-SIS = 455.3 MeV/ for 100Mo.
after target 98Mo now with 39+ gives 7.6500 Tm.
In ESR also 39+.
In LISE we get the same average gamma as before for 98Zr (gamma = 1.40082).
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b