E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  238U surrogate  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 4     Entry time: Tue Jun 25 04:24:55 2024
Author: Bertram, Mathias 
Category: Runs 
Subject: Run 215 
We use this elog as a substitute as the one from LP2iB is temporarily down. Run 215 started at 4:28 Peak target density: 3.78e13 Num of injected ions: 1.2e8 Num of cooled & decelerated ions: 5.4e7 Telescope: HV DE 90 V Current DE 185 nA HV E 300 V Current E 3.645 uA Peak rate before DT (tpat 0) 3 Peak rate after DT (tpat 0) 3 Fission trigger: Peak rate before DT (tpat 1) 388 Peak rate after DT (tpat 1) 321 Delay of trig accepted 150ns Dowscaling y/n? n Fission bottom: HV 100 V Current 1.06 nA Fission side: Distance to beam axis 10 mm HV 150 V Current 23.77 uA Fission top: HV 100 V Current 1.30 uA Heavy residue: Distance to beam axis 15 mm HV 99.9 V Current 6.48 uA Peak rate before DT (tpat 2) 219 Peak rate after DT (tpat 2) 192 Downscaling y/n n Germanium: Peak rate before DT (tpat 4) 5732 Peak rate after DT (tpat 4) 4809 Downscaling y/n y (x16)
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b