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  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+ 2024  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 12     Entry time: Sat Jun 1 19:00:57 2024
Author: Carsten 
Category: DAQ 
Subject: Change of (offline) frequency for common stop (CS) of VUPROMs (and 2nd TDC) and scaling factor 
Temporarily, for tests of the second DAQ I changed the frequency from the frequency generator and scaling factor that is used for the common stop signal to a value that is close to the expected value in the experiment.
Reason: For the second TDC (CAEN 25ps) TDC the time between to CS events must be of the order of 45 us. The TDC can store events up to about 51,x us and allows for overlap of these regions to be able to stitch together the events to a continuous time axis.

Since we plan to run at ~ beta= 0.5566 the revolution frequency is about

f=1.540974 MHz (0.6489 us)
This value is used in the frequency generator.

The scaling factor is set to 68.
=> 68 x 0,6489us = 44,1252 us between to CS.

Of course later the real RF value from the accelerator will be used.

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