E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+ 2024  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 40     Entry time: Mon Jun 10 11:59:12 2024
Author: Ruijiu Chen 
Category: Analysis 
Subject: The ion identification of spectrum recorded on 2022 
The simulated frequency is given in simulation_result.out. The yield is calculated by LISE file. The LISE file is attached here also.
Attachment 1: simulation_result.out  189 kB  Uploaded Mon Jun 10 13:19:25 2024  | Hide | Hide all
Harmonic: 125.0 , Bp: 7.598584 [Tm]
ion            fre[Hz]                       yield [pps]    
3H+1           236170494.9068601429          3.7554e-01     
6He+2          236280023.6364285052          1.1998e-03     
9Li+3          236288526.4039438963          2.9376e-05     
12Be+4         236324992.9694004357          2.2764e-07     
20N+7          238749721.4013304412          2.6723e-08     
14B+5          239668226.2271307409          2.6686e-06     
28Ne+10        239732346.9869978726          3.3921e-10     
25F+9          240098476.4905849397          1.6517e-08     
11Be+4         240491652.1819554865          3.4416e-04     
22O+8          240560778.1391413510          3.6423e-07     
33Mg+12        240574066.8079842925          4.3273e-10     
30Na+11        240944521.0624978244          6.5871e-09     
19N+7          241133236.7358699739          9.7162e-06     
38Si+14        241178849.6672406495          2.6475e-10     
27Ne+10        241397850.6154991388          1.6014e-07     
35Al+13        241538237.8034656942          3.4191e-09     
43S+16         241631203.6472836137          2.4763e-10     
8Li+3          241838782.8841317296          1.7843e-02     
16C+6          241922427.5822682381          4.5982e-05     
24F+9          241948127.9902256429          4.3992e-06     
32Mg+12        241964275.0362286866          7.4320e-08     
40P+15         241972700.4460445344          2.9839e-09     
56Sc+21        241984662.2344081700          2.2047e-10     
48Ar+18        241985144.3974872231          1.4951e-10     
61V+23         242226667.8400756717          2.4891e-10     
45Cl+17        242307247.6421439648          1.8109e-09     
37Si+14        242366146.1734250784          3.5611e-08     
66Mn+25        242431313.3228965700          2.7818e-10     
29Na+11        242461116.5534416735          1.3474e-06     
145La+55       242488985.4603564143          1.8226e-10     
58Ti+22        242490454.7498356402          1.6403e-09     
137I+52        242520527.9580143690          1.0662e-10     
137Xe+52       242522602.1953611076          3.3093e-10     
158Sm+60       242535005.7355127633          1.2842e-10     
129Sb+49       242557682.2953648865          3.2539e-10     
150Ce+57       242564976.1956174374          1.0888e-10     
150Pr+57       242566067.1474878490          6.3168e-10     
50K+19         242568873.3178487122          1.2390e-09     
121Ag+46       242592501.7011261582          1.9460e-10     
142Cs+54       242600292.3947287798          3.2229e-10     
142Ba+54       242602719.4031988680          1.1865e-09     
163Gd+62       242604578.8518933356          4.2621e-10     
71Co+27        242606330.2156896591          3.0918e-10     
113Ru+43       242635374.5817559063          1.7933e-10     
21O+8          242635921.2335634232          6.1057e-05     
155Nd+59       242637462.6394336522          2.7909e-10     
155Pm+59       242638880.3295001388          1.9371e-09     
134Te+51       242641979.4240383208          2.8492e-10     
134I+51        242642517.3000695109          1.1405e-09     
168Tb+64       242668469.7049431801          1.3162e-10     
168Dy+64       242670090.7206515372          1.2210e-09     
42S+16         242673471.0426414311          3.3088e-08     
147La+56       242674996.5412420928          9.5762e-10     
147Ce+56       242676704.6110619903          4.1197e-09     
63Cr+24        242680671.6617843807          1.5161e-09     
126In+48       242682668.0112704337          5.4069e-10     
105Nb+40       242684936.9293057323          1.4492e-10     
126Sn+48       242685721.0218968391          9.2795e-10     
160Sm+61       242705345.1233857870          7.8426e-10     
160Eu+61       242706309.9694994688          6.3038e-09     
139Xe+53       242718314.1536377668          8.2859e-10     
139Cs+53       242720023.7590149939          4.0367e-09     
118Rh+45       242725529.5323016644          1.0350e-10     
118Pd+45       242729692.0740557611          5.9216e-10     
173Ho+66       242729897.1529665291          1.8719e-10     
173Er+66       242731072.5902354121          3.6853e-10     
173Tm+66       242731776.4479603767          3.0838e-10     
97Sr+37        242742832.6202967763          1.5519e-10     
152Ce+58       242743351.1749346256          1.2139e-10     
152Pr+58       242744829.4529200494          2.7626e-09     
152Nd+58       242746803.6439105570          1.3830e-08     
76Cu+29        242756587.8392962813          3.2015e-10     
76Zn+29        242763541.5873325765          1.7135e-10     
131Sn+50       242764204.0457966030          1.5414e-10     
131Sb+50       242765893.2274734676          1.4856e-09     
131Te+50       242767053.6367914677          2.9591e-09     
165Gd+63       242768449.2676899135          2.2326e-09     
165Tb+63       242769611.2463326454          1.8317e-08     
55Sc+21        242778672.3857187629          7.5820e-10     
110Mo+42       242779851.8057384491          1.1106e-10     
110Tc+42       242782614.0400528014          4.3601e-10     
144Cs+55       242787310.9309636354          1.4659e-10     
178Yb+68       242788709.8068255782          5.7015e-10     
178Lu+68       242788885.0176258683          1.2378e-10     
144Ba+55       242790071.6284403503          2.2581e-09     
144La+55       242791081.1896189153          1.3752e-08     
89Se+34        242806617.4403581917          1.5336e-10     
157Nd+60       242808705.4200999439          2.7064e-10     
157Pm+60       242810439.4802917242          7.2089e-09     
89Br+34        242811482.7835447192          1.9810e-10     
157Sm+60       242811752.2361402512          4.5203e-08     
123Ag+47       242812435.7216106355          2.4124e-10     
123Cd+47       242815416.2031970024          1.6226e-09     
34Al+13        242817375.0517490804          6.1398e-07     
170Tb+65       242825983.1762975752          1.6410e-10     
170Dy+65       242827913.9445752800          5.8800e-09     
170Ho+65       242828620.6734403670          3.1834e-09     
136Te+52       242838691.2674813867          3.5688e-10     
136I+52        242840454.3406653404          3.9996e-09     
102Y+39        242841155.7847928703          1.5487e-10     
183Hf+70       242842438.7574697733          9.2079e-10     
136Xe+52       242842821.8461388946          9.9301e-09     
183Ta+70       242842952.2145871818          3.8532e-10     
68Fe+26        242843306.4514563978          1.5399e-09     
102Zr+39       242845913.6247153580          4.0638e-10     
149La+57       242854386.4184551537          3.3446e-10     
149Ce+57       242856412.3469604552          6.5434e-09     
149Pr+57       242857789.2672280669          2.6650e-08     
115Ru+44       242868955.8098371923          3.0969e-10     
162Sm+62       242869949.5038557053          6.7631e-10     
162Eu+62       242871209.6756462157          2.0568e-08     
115Rh+44       242872250.7438703179          1.4776e-09     
162Gd+62       242872818.9930544794          6.7670e-08     
175Ho+67       242881796.2420231104          3.3617e-10     
175Er+67       242883232.5796851218          1.8929e-08     
175Tm+67       242884219.6558595300          7.5018e-09     
175Yb+67       242884855.4412036836          2.7946e-09     
81Ga+31        242887476.8362643719          3.7520e-10     
128In+49       242892225.3253800273          5.3946e-10     
81Ge+31        242892456.8300650418          2.7967e-10     
188Re+72       242893710.8258723617          1.0214e-09     
128Sn+49       242895566.5728260279          4.2946e-09     
128Sb+49       242896037.8229285181          7.0253e-09     
141Xe+54       242906543.6723439693          8.2450e-10     
141Cs+54       242908624.7140770555          1.1219e-08     
47Ar+18        242909201.5358746350          2.1304e-08     
141Ba+54       242910368.5942582190          3.2534e-08     
94Kr+36        242914425.5460604727          2.7475e-10     
154Pr+59       242917122.5997744501          7.6996e-10     
94Rb+36        242917999.5254474878          4.5878e-10     
154Nd+59       242919463.8886824846          1.8688e-08     
154Pm+59       242920287.5204136372          8.7773e-08     
167Gd+64       242926951.6299683452          1.5473e-09     
167Tb+64       242928385.6805009246          3.4379e-08     
167Dy+64       242929520.3324073553          1.5074e-08     
180Tm+69       242933929.9003556669          5.9660e-10     
107Nb+41       242934215.8797951341          3.4746e-10     
180Yb+69       242935634.5669462085          2.2898e-09     
180Lu+69       242936154.9208517671          1.7350e-08     
180Hf+69       242936957.6631197333          7.7628e-09     
107Mo+41       242938053.2500569224          1.1295e-09     
232Np+89       242949015.5299792886          1.6821e-05     
60V+23         242949764.0060941279          1.0090e-08     
120Pd+46       242951319.1760096848          7.9199e-10     
120Ag+46       242953406.8633513451          4.4817e-09     
133Sb+51       242965795.6344363689          1.2139e-09     
133Te+51       242967206.7216075361          1.1389e-08     
133I+51        242968236.8481987715          2.2564e-08     
146Ba+56       242970469.9143370092          1.9546e-09     
146La+56       242971865.6613531709          3.1056e-08     
146Ce+56       242973913.5567271411          1.0507e-07     
159Pm+61       242976052.4712679982          1.8521e-09     
159Sm+61       242977714.9472797215          5.2128e-08     
159Eu+61       242978847.6444529891          2.7972e-07     
172Dy+66       242980657.1186407208          1.9861e-09     
172Ho+66       242981675.6284580529          8.7473e-08     
73Ni+28        242981749.3853845596          1.7317e-09     
172Er+66       242983038.5987277031          4.8973e-08     
172Tm+66       242983281.0292961299          2.2845e-08     
185Lu+71       242983356.8537812531          1.1895e-09     
185Hf+71       242984465.2517779469          4.4415e-09     
185Ta+71       242985252.2626972497          5.8142e-08     
185W+71        242985754.4397848248          3.7047e-08     
73Cu+28        242987398.7074736059          6.6669e-10     
86As+33        242999634.9570087492          5.7121e-10     
86Se+33        243005865.8053336740          5.7716e-10     
13B+5          243009389.1170642078          9.0586e-04     
99Sr+38        243010330.1930541098          4.6818e-10     
99Y+38         243014143.2104866803          1.0139e-09     
112Tc+43       243018198.3055659831          9.1903e-10     
112Ru+43       243022499.9341870248          3.6752e-09     
229U+88        243024266.7383974791          2.7337e-03     
125Cd+48       243026408.5410420597          1.7349e-09     
125In+48       243029037.6235938370          1.1594e-08     
190Ta+73       243029823.7594043016          1.0347e-10     
138I+53        243029891.7183504105          2.7865e-09     
151Ce+58       243029891.9610736072          4.6378e-09     
164Eu+63       243030670.6239848435          4.5938e-09     
177Er+68       243030709.6677968502          4.2022e-09     
125Sn+48       243031080.4046761096          1.5703e-08     
190W+73        243031217.2090637684          7.8823e-09     
190Re+73       243031530.0754118264          8.9370e-08     
151Pr+58       243031608.6492961049          8.5448e-08     
177Tm+68       243031957.6200762689          1.1438e-08     
190Os+73       243032294.5154328346          1.2356e-07     
164Gd+63       243032509.5412817895          1.3063e-07     
138Xe+53       243032586.5942218304          3.0970e-08     
177Yb+68       243032867.3919336498          1.4450e-07     
151Nd+58       243032899.0953091085          3.2739e-07     
164Tb+63       243033204.8620949090          1.8424e-08     
177Lu+68       243033235.4459269345          8.2864e-08     
138Cs+53       243033576.9568427503          7.3884e-08     
234Np+90       243060351.0151002109          1.5931e-06     
26Ne+10        243067485.2715602517          2.2932e-05     
195Re+75       243074305.9745780826          1.3032e-10     
195Os+75       243075260.3947167993          1.6672e-08     
195Ir+75       243075795.3203070462          2.4989e-07     
195Pt+75       243076059.4152072668          4.3954e-07     
182Yb+70       243078141.6906444728          8.4930e-09     
182Lu+70       243078886.7033818364          2.8714e-08     
182Hf+70       243079990.8347306848          4.1105e-07     
182Ta+70       243080090.1023589671          2.7510e-07     
169Tb+65       243082083.5761385858          1.0176e-08     
39P+15         243083494.9518286586          2.8617e-07     
169Dy+65       243083498.2831641436          3.4561e-07     
169Ho+65       243084389.1427297294          7.2645e-08     
156Nd+60       243086128.9277744889          1.1024e-08     
156Pm+60       243087317.6698113382          2.3114e-07     
156Sm+60       243088871.7025344670          1.0018e-06     
143Cs+55       243090180.0385751128          6.4646e-09     
143Ba+55       243092217.7579111755          8.4550e-08     
143La+55       243093600.0348339379          2.3334e-07     
117Rh+45       243095546.9544636011          2.3649e-09     
130Sn+50       243096813.1027181447          3.8677e-09     
65Mn+25        243097492.0797340274          9.6183e-09     
104Zr+40       243097546.5828061104          1.0100e-09     
130Sb+50       243097589.7923253477          3.0049e-08     
117Pd+45       243098533.0446843505          1.1318e-08     
52Ca+20        243098826.1775813401          1.2185e-08     
91Br+35        243099387.0155653954          9.5476e-10     
130Te+50       243099404.3629230857          4.8030e-08     
104Nb+40       243100265.6575246155          2.6761e-09     
226Pa+87       243101048.9943967164          2.2875e-04     
78Zn+30        243102423.1623869538          1.8692e-09     
91Kr+35        243104411.1458382905          1.2614e-09     
78Ga+30        243106119.4014060199          1.0388e-09     
200Ir+77       243116285.0615619421          1.4354e-10     
200Pt+77       243117464.9093321264          1.1577e-08     
200Au+77       243117631.0497231781          7.4029e-07     
187Hf+72       243122458.1819290817          1.0439e-09     
187Ta+72       243123437.0063900054          7.0090e-08     
187W+72        243124197.2569205165          1.0986e-06     
187Re+72       243124524.2124314010          5.7350e-07     
174Ho+67       243129932.8857084513          1.9226e-08     
174Er+67       243131562.4848806560          2.7467e-08     
174Tm+67       243132086.3889359832          2.3020e-07     
174Yb+67       243132906.8028655350          1.4442e-07     
231Np+89       243135648.1888356507          7.6342e-02     
231U+89        243136007.8480548859          6.7263e-04     
161Sm+62       243138017.6461801529          2.7117e-08     
161Eu+62       243139500.4936536551          6.0720e-07     
161Gd+62       243140580.6622642875          9.4577e-08     
148La+57       243146030.4602153301          1.5002e-08     
148Ce+57       243148443.4903708100          2.2652e-07     
148Pr+57       243149123.3173131347          7.1662e-07     
205Au+79       243156361.6199799478          1.1792e-10     
205Hg+79       243157217.0191552639          2.8745e-08     
135Te+52       243158656.8604429960          8.6951e-09     
135I+52        243160738.4091563821          7.9206e-08     
135Xe+52       243161651.2927708328          1.5333e-07     
192W+74        243164984.9298426211          2.1169e-09     
192Re+74       243165474.9651027024          1.6841e-07     
122Ag+47       243165771.4394443035          5.3799e-09     
192Ir+74       243166275.6270002723          1.9916e-06     
192Os+74       243166524.7561721206          1.5617e-06     
122Cd+47       243169380.8084846437          2.8719e-08     
179Tm+69       243175173.5681082308          3.8655e-08     
109Mo+42       243175499.6054186821          2.2858e-09     
179Yb+69       243176411.1277719140          7.5313e-08     
179Lu+69       243177050.8435961008          1.1098e-06     
179Hf+69       243177415.3302386701          7.8746e-07     
109Tc+42       243178738.5049486458          7.3447e-09     
223Th+86       243179921.3105351925          2.1507e-03     
166Gd+64       243187004.7926521897          7.3692e-08     
96Rb+37        243187441.6105757952          1.7151e-09     
166Tb+64       243187974.5470990539          1.6432e-06     
166Dy+64       243189317.0338579714          4.0573e-07     
96Sr+37        243193011.4263028204          2.8864e-09     
153Pr+59       243199248.4643839598          3.4586e-08     
241Np+93       243200421.4794172049          1.3940e-04     
153Nd+59       243200999.0434359908          5.9814e-07     
153Pm+59       243202012.9177437723          2.0839e-06     
197Os+76       243205001.5299716592          2.0462e-09     
197Ir+76       243205764.3140561283          2.1062e-07     
83Ge+32        243205853.1564773917          2.6192e-09     
197Pt+76       243206286.8453349471          4.9554e-06     
197Au+76       243206458.2044734955          5.1880e-08     
83As+32        243210694.1410125196          1.9682e-09     
228U+88        243213071.7726494670          2.6773e+00     
228Pa+88       243213127.9386376441          2.1971e-03     
140Xe+54       243215148.3644217849          1.9674e-08     
140Cs+54       243216498.7468394041          2.1346e-07     
184Lu+71       243217456.2905703187          7.9385e-08     
140Ba+54       243218560.0460139215          4.8504e-07     
184Hf+71       243218775.1987689137          2.0232e-07     
184Ta+71       243219127.3774661422          3.7992e-06     
184W+71        243219848.2783367336          1.9267e-06     
70Co+27        243221803.1556882560          9.7287e-09     
127In+49       243231557.7170051038          1.0976e-08     
171Dy+66       243232467.2457379997          1.6115e-07     
171Ho+66       243233697.0895587802          1.1292e-07     
127Sn+49       243233961.2142690122          6.9127e-08     
171Er+66       243234574.9366721213          1.4383e-06     
171Tm+66       243234979.5711694062          7.8823e-07     
127Sb+49       243235144.5203642845          8.7952e-08     
202Pt+78       243243456.9126457870          1.0600e-08     
202Au+78       243243853.4610585272          1.2449e-06     
... 2880 more lines ...
Attachment 2: E142_TEline-ESR_229Th.lpp  1.297 MB  Uploaded Mon Jun 10 13:23:19 2024  | Hide | Hide all
Version 17.5.18

{============================= Main Part ======================================}
                    File = E:/work/experiment/ESR/2022_E142_229Th/E143_TEline-ESR_229Th.lpp
                    Date = 08-06-2024
                    Time = 23:26:50
           Configuration = GSI/FRS-TA-ESR_2014.lcn
             Optionsfile = GSI_FRS_2021.lopt
                   Title = GSI FRS TA-ESR (2014)
          BlockStructure = DSDSMDASDDD
          NumberOfBlocks = 11

                   A,Z,Q = 238U 92+                              ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam
                  Energy = 453.9                MeV/u            
               Intensity = 1e+9                 pps              ; enA,pna,pps,kW
            RF frequency = 20                   MHz              
            Bunch length = 1                    ns               
         Settings on A,Z = 229Th                                 ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam

                      BX = 0.472                (+/-)mm          ; one-half the horisontal beam extent (x)
                      BT = 1.59                 (+/-)mrad        ; one-half the horisontal beam divergence(x')
                      BY = 0.245                (+/-)mm          ; one-half the vertical beam extent (y)
                      BF = 2.04                 (+/-)mrad        ; one-half the vertical beam divergence (y')
                      BL = 0                    (+/-)mm          
                      BD = 0.03                 (+/-)%           ; one-half of the momentum spread (dp/p)
                  ShiftX = 0                    mm               ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
                  AngleX = 0                    mrad             ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
                  ShiftY = 0                    mm               ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
                  AngleY = 0                    mrad             ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
            Scheme Angle = 0                    degrees          
                  ShapeX = 1
                  ShapeT = 1
                  ShapeY = 1
                  ShapeF = 1
                  ShapeL = 1
                  ShapeD = 1
               OptBeam_X = 1                    (+/-)mm          
               OptBeam_T = 30                   (+/-)mrad        
               OptBeam_Y = 1                    (+/-)mm          
               OptBeam_F = 30                   (+/-)mrad        
               OptBeam_L = 0                    (+/-)mm          
               OptBeam_D = 1.5                  (+/-)%           

               NP simple = 64                                    ; Number of points in distribution
        NP charge states = 16                                    ; Number of points in distribution
                NP wedge = 128                                   ; Number of points in distribution
           Charge states = Yes                                   ; No  & Yes
           CutEdgeEffect = 1                                     ; 1-Yes. Default, 0-no - for extended configurations
       Prim.beam scatter = 0                                     ; 0-without, 1-with
              Delta peak = 0                                     ; 0-without, 1-with
             BrhoMeanMax = 1                                     ; 0-Max, 1-Mean
            BrhoMeMaLeRi = 3                                     ; 0-Max, 1-Mean, 2-Left, 3-Right /for fission/
              CentralCut = 1                                     ; 0-no, 1-moderate, 2-strong

         Target contents = 0,4,1,9.012                           ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass
        Target thickness = 1,1850,1.85,0,0,0                     ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas,..
  Target fusion compound = 0
   Targ use for Q-states = 1
           Target Defect = 0,0.1                                 ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree,  [1]=value; 
       Degrader contents = 0,6,1,12.011                          ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass
      Degrader thickness = 0,0,2.26,0,0,0                        ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas,..
  Degra use for Q-states = 1
         Degrader Defect = 0,0.1                                 ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree,  [1]=value; 

                Reaction = 0                                     ; 0 - fragm, 1 - fusion-resid, 2 - fusion-fission
               CalcOther = 1                                     ; calculate other reactions
           V calculation = 5                                     ; 0 - constant, 1 - Borrel, 2 - Rami, 3-convolution, 4-two body reaction
             V_opt/Vbeam = 1                                     ; default 1
         Velocity_exceed = 1                                     ; 0 - without, 1-with - two-body recations velocity corrections
Binding Energy for Vf/Vp = 8                    MeV              ; Binding energy for Borrel's expression
    Shift for Vf/Vp calc = 0     
        Prefragment_Rami = 1
                  Sigma0 = 90                   MeV/c            ; default 90
                  SigmaD = 0                    MeV/c            ; default 200
                  SigmaM = 87                   MeV/c            ; default 87
               Asymmetry = 0                    %                ; default 0
          Method v-sigma = 0                                     ; 0 - Goldhaber, 1-Morrissey,2-Friedman,3-Convolution
               G_Surface = 0.95                 MeV/fm^2         
 Symmetry around half_Ab = 1
 Pfaff pickup correction = 0
     ChargeExchangePfaff = 0                                     ; 1 - exclude, 0-forget
            Sigma corr 0 = 0                                     ; Coulomb energy
            Sigma corr 1 = 0                                     ; Projectile mass
           Friedman mode = 2                                     ; 0-Qgg, 1-Surface, 2-Qgg+Surface
         Prefragment_Fri = 1
        Coulomb_Friedman = 1
                  K_Morr = 8                    MeV/A            ; E/A=8MeV/A default; D.Morrissey coef.
               K_MorHalf = 8                    MeV/A            ; E/A=8MeV/A default at Afrag=Aproj/2; D.Morrissey coef.
                 AA_fast = 0
             AA_Modefast = 3
               MethodApf = 2                                     ; Prefragment search method: 0-N/Z direction, 1 -  W*EPAX, 2 -  W*CSgeom,
           ExcitationApf = 1                                     ; Excitation energy for APF search: 0 - dSurface, 1 - dA*Ex
            BarrierShape = 1                                     ; 0-classical, 1-quantum mech.
                 H_omega = 3                    MeV              ; default 3
           Probabilty_CN = 1                                     ; 0/1 use Prbabilty for CN formation
            UseVanishing = 1
              VanishMode = 0                                     ; 0-Sierk, 1-Cohen
           NuclPotential = 1                                     ; 0-Bass, 1-WS
                   WS_V0 = 105                  MeV              
                   WS_R0 = 1.12                 fm               
                    WS_a = 0.75                 fm               
          FusDiffuseness = 1    
              Width Coef = 1                                     ; default 1; for Leon's charge state distribution
          gZt Correction = 1                                     ; default 1;      Leon's C.S.D.
           PowerCoefLeon = 0.477                                 ; default 0.477; Leon's C.S.D.
           Cross section = File                                  ; Fit  & File
           Charge method = 3                                     ; charge calculations method  0-5
      EPAX Cross Section = 4                                     ; cross section calculations method 0-4
        SR Cross Section = 1                                     ; EPAX for SR  0-2
             Energy Loss = 4                                     ; energy loss calculation method 0-3
     Anglular straggling = 1
        AngStragInOptics = 0                                     ; 0-LISE, 1-ATIMA
         StragglingCoef1 = 0.217
         StragglingCoef2 = 1.12 
       Energy straggling = 1                                     ; 0-LISE, 1-ATIMA
       EnergyStragMethod = 1                                     ; 0-integrate, 1-table
        EnergyStragShape = 0                                     ; 0-Gauss, 1-Landau-Vavilov
          EquilThickness = 1                                     ; 0-Charge, 1-Global
              MassMethod = 0                                     ; 0-DB+calcul, 1 + just calcul
            MassDataBase = 0                                     ; 0-A&W, 1-User ME
            Mass formula = 2                                     ; 0-LDM, 1-Myerer, 2: 1+corrections
          MassExcessFile = AME2016.lme
      UseChargeForEnergy = 2                                     ; 0-No, 1-Yes, 2-Auto
         EnergyValueAuto = 30                                    ; default value 30 MeV/u
         EquilibriumMode = 0                                     ; 0-Equil, 1-NonEquil
               UB_Global = 70                                    ; default 70 MeV/u
             MinZ_Global = 29                                    ; default Z>=29
        ChargeStateOptim = 1                                     ; 0-No, 1-Yes
         ZmQ_AfterReactn = 0                                     ; default 0 (full stripped)
             EPAX_p_Norm = 1
               EPAX_p_Un = 1.65
              EPAX_p_Up0 = 1.788
              EPAX_p_Up1 = 0.004721
              EPAX_p_Up2 = -1.303e-5
                EPAX_p_H = 1

         FisAngDistShape = 0                                     ; 0-isotropic; 1-anisotropic
     FisMomCutForAngDist = 2                                     ; 0-dont use;  1-use just MatrixKinematics; 2-use for all; (default 2)
      OddEvenCorrections = 1                                     ; 0-dont use;  1-use
 PostScissionEvaporation = 1                                     ; 0-dont use;  1-use
   DeexcitFunctionPoints = 0                                     ; 0- average deexcitation energy;  1- 3 points; 2 - manually
           FisEXmanually = 20                                    ; Excitation energy manually
           FisCSmanually = 1000                                  ; Cross section manually
            FisTXEmethod = 0                                     ; 0-from Edissipated, 1 from Q-value
                   Fis_f = 0.0035                                ; default 0.0045
              FisEXsigma = 5.5                  MeV              ; default 5.5
            FisCS_Global = 1e-12
               FisCS_TKE = 1e-8
                FisBeta1 = 0.625                                 ; deformation of light fragment
                FisBeta2 = 0.625                                 ; deformation of heavy fragment
                FisTKE_d = 2                    fm               ; d-param in Wilkins formula
              FisBetaFit = 1                                     ; 0-manual, 1-fit
                      N0 = 83                                    ; default 82
                     dU0 = -2.65                                 ; default -2.5
                      C0 = 0.7                                   ; default 1.4
                   cpol0 = 0.65                                  ; default 0.65
                  width0 = 0.63                                  ; default 0.63
                      N1 = 90                                    ; default 90
                     dU1 = -3.8                                  ; default -5.5
                      C1 = 0.15                                  ; default 0.16
                   cpol1 = 0.55                                  ; default 0.55
                  width1 = 0.97                                  ; default 0.97

                 FragInd = 1e-3
               FragTotal = 1e-5
                 BeamInd = 1e-12
               BeamTotal = 1e-15

        Convolution mode = 1                                     ; 0-Qgg, 1-Surface, 2-E* per Abraded nucleon
                 Sigma_0 = 91.5   
                 Sigma_1 = 91.5   
                 Sigma_2 = 160     
              CoefConv_0 = 3.344 
              CoefConv_1 = 3     
              CoefConv_2 = 1     
             ShiftConv_0 = 0.1581
             ShiftConv_1 = 0.1487
             ShiftConv_2 = -1     

          NP evaporation = 32                                    ; Number of points in distribution
               NPevapFis = 8                                     ; Number of points in distribution
              EvapMethod = 2
        StateDensityMode = 2                                     ; 0, 1+pairing, 2+shell
      EvapUnstableNuclei = 1                                     ; 0 - only stable,1 +unstable
              Tunnelling = 1
          AvoidUnboundCS = 1
       ProtectedChannels = 1
           R_Evaporation = 5.7                  fm               ; correction for the effective Coulomb barrier
         Mode_Apf_manual = 0                                     ; 1-manual, 0-auto
             Energy_in_T = 2                                     ; default 2
     EvaporationVelocity = 0                                     ; 0 - quality, 1 -fast
        DeltaOddEvenEvap = 12    
     DeltaOddEvenFission = 14    
   BreakupTemperature250 = 4.7   
   BreakupTemperature150 = 5.9   
   BreakupTemperature050 = 8     
      BreakupDiffuseness = 0.05  
      DissipationKramers = 0
 DissipationStepFunction = 1
         DissipationBeta = 1                                     ; default 2.0
                 mode_1n = 1
                 mode_2n = 0
                 mode_1p = 1
                 mode_2p = 0
                  mode_a = 1
                  mode_d = 0
                  mode_t = 0
                mode_3he = 0
                mode_fis = 1
             mode_brk_up = 1
              mode_gamma = 0

    FissionBarrierFactor = 1    
      FissionBarrierMode = 1                                     ; #0-4
      OddEvenCorrections = 1
        ShellCorrections = 1
             FB_InOutMax = 2                                     ; #0-2 - in/out/max
             ModeForUser = 1                                     ; #0-2
           NdeltaOddEven = 2.5  
           ZdeltaOddEven = 9    

           AbrasionModel = 0                                     ; 0-Geometrical, 1-Exponential
       GeomAA_Correction = 1                                     ; 0 - don't use,1 - use -default
          Thermalization = 0
          ThermaTimeCoef = 3e+0                                  ; 2.1e-22 MeV *s/e(t)
            AbraExpSlope = 0.363 
                Friction = 0                                     ; 0 - off,1 - on
          Ev_A_SigmaCoef = 9.6  
         G_FrictionCoef1 = 6.5  
         G_FrictionCoef2 = 0.5  
           G_FactorCoef1 = 1.5  
           G_FactorCoef2 = 2.5  
               DepthHole = 40     
          EnergyCoef_CB0 = 0       
          EnergyCoef_CB1 = 27       
          EnergyCoef_CB2 = 0       
           SigmaCoef_CB0 = 0       
           SigmaCoef_CB1 = 18       
           SigmaCoef_CB2 = 0       
              D_MeanTemp = 13       
             DN_MeanTemp = 0       
             DZ_MeanTemp = 0       
               LN_median = 20       
             LN_variance = 20       
              LN2_median = 0       
            LN2_variance = 0       
               AA_factor = 1       
          ApplyLimitTemp = 0

                  tun_a0 = -0.61392
                  tun_a1 = 0.44559
                  tun_a2 = 0.12008
                 A_Bound = 300
               A_Pairing =   1

            Start target = Detector                              ; Detector & RF      
            Start of TOF = T1
            Stop  of TOF = M1
         dE-detector-1st = M1
         dE-detector-2nd = M1
            TKE-detector = M1
              X-detector = M1
              Y-detector = M1
                 Tilting = M1
                 Stopper = M2
                RO_Wedge = W1
          ConditionBlock = A0
          Plot threshold = 1e-10                pps              ; minimal value for plot scale
     Shift of TOF for RF = 0                    ns               ; for dE-TOF plot with RF
  Fraction of RF trigger = 1
            UseCondition = 0
         TKE_calibration = 1,1,0,MeV

              UserDiffCS = 0                                     ; Number of User Diff CS saved in this file
         AppendOverwrite = 1
          AttachedInside = 1
            ShowCSinPlot = 1
                    Chi2 = 1

        NP sec.reactions = 32                                    ; Number of points in distribution
     Secondary reactions = 0
         fiss_FilterUse0 = 1
         fiss_FilterUse1 = 1
         fiss_FilterUse2 = 1
... 3843 more lines ...
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ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b