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  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+ 2024  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 6     Entry time: Wed May 29 10:54:21 2024
Author: Shahab, Jan 
Category: General 
Subject: Gas Target Events with new timing system 
Using the new timing system, it is possible to grab any events as pulses, but also as long inter event gates under GENESYS. Many instances of GENESYS can be running on ACO computers, so that there is no conflict, if an instance is running in main control room or another in ESR-Messhütte.

GENESYS Settings:

Inter-Event for 162 up and 163 down, signaling the gas target cycle. The signal can either be:

  • Controlled automatically by the control system (sub chain patterns)
  • Set to manual operation during setup or experiment.

"activating" the condition in GENESYS by clicking on the small "A" button in the condition. (B) us achieved by "deactivating" the condition in GENESYS, by clicking again on the "A", it turns into a "-". After this, it is possible to manually set the level "hi" or "low" on the left box. As a result a orange bar goes up and down as an indicator. Any time you can switch to automatic change by pressing on "-" again.

Using this new timing system, the old hardware in the main control room is not needed anymore.

Additional Information:

In the old experiments, we used the new control system events but still using the old hardware in the main control room. Please see:

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