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  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+ 2024  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 67     Entry time: Thu Jun 13 14:56:09 2024
Author: Stefan Schippers 
Category: Accelerator 
Subject: Estimated beam lifetime: About 150 s 
Estimate of storage lifetime using my code 'hydrocal':

 ion mass in u ...................................: 229
 ion nuclear charge ..............................: 90
 ion charge state ................................: 89
 beam energy in MeV ..............................: 45501.1
 beam energy in MeV/u ............................: 198.695
 beam beta .......................................: 0.566309
 beam rigidity in T m.............................: 5.4944
 ring circumference in m .........................: 108.36
 ring acceptance in mrad .........................: 2
 ring temperature in °C ..........................: 25
 ring vacuum pressure in mbar ....................: 3e-11
 residual gas density in m^-3 ....................: 7.28767e+11
 residual gas composition 
  Z   %
  1  93.43
  6   2.23
  7   0.75
  8   3.29
 18    0.3
 cooler length in m ..............................: 2.5
 electron current in A ...........................: 0.2
 magnetic expansion factor .......................: 1
 electron-beam diameter in mm ....................: 50.8
 electron density in cm^-3 .......................: 3.62844e+06
 cooler cathode temperature in meV ...............: 110
 cooling energy in eV ............................: 109000
 space_charge (0th iteration) in eV ..............: 44.3477
 space_charge (1st iteration) in eV ..............: 44.341
 transverse temperature in meV ...................: 110
 longitudinal temperature in meV .................: 0.2
 RR nmin .........................................: 1
 RR lmin .........................................: 0
 RR nele [no. electrons in subshell (nmin,lmin)] .: 1
 RR nmax .........................................: 128
 RR enhancement factor ...........................: 2.5
 RR alpha in cm^3 s^-1 ...........................: 8.04602e-08

 beam lifetime due to multiple scattering in s ...: 1.86e+06
 beam lifetime due to single scattering in s .....: 7.51886e+07
 beam lifetime due to charge capture in s ........: 3.5516e+06
 beam lifetime due to stripping in s .............: 1e+99
 beam lifetime due to recombination in cooler in s: 148.466
 beam lifetime with electron cooling in s ........: 148.46
 beam lifetime without electron cooling in s .....: 1.20121e+06

 detector count rates for 1E6 stored ions and a residual gas pressure of 3e-11 mbar: 

       recombination detector from ecool (Hz) ....: 4575.41
     recombination detector from res.gas (Hz) ....: 0.0545666
    total rate on recombination detector (Hz) ....: 4575.46

        ionization detector from res.gas (Hz) ....: 1.93798e-94
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b