E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  laser spectroscopy on Be-like Kr  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 56     Entry time: Fri Feb 28 19:33:03 2025
Author: Volker 
Category: Detectors 
Subject: Laser background 
We measured the laser background rate in the XUV detector.
The voltages applied were +300V at the MCP front, +2250V at the MCP anode.
Trigger threshold at ca. 40 mV.

At a laser repetition rate of 3.568 MHz we got the following background rates:

 30 mW laserpower ->  40 kcps
 45 mW laserpower ->  70 kcps
100 mW laserpower -> 125 kcps laserpower
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b