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  laser spectroscopy on Be-like Kr  Not logged in ELOG logo
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Message ID: 66     Entry time: Sat Mar 1 07:14:48 2025
Author: Night shift 
Category: Runs 
Subject: Tabelle erster Scanbereich 257.175 nm - 257.300 nm 
Zeit Scanbereich (nm) Anzahl Laserschritte Start LMD Stop LMD Messdauer (s) Elektronenkuehlung (s) Gentec Files Kommentar
06:53 Uhr 01.03.2025 257.175 - 257.2998 52 krypton0096 krypton0103 10 30 Gentec Suedwest, Scan1_257.175-257.300
08:05 Uhr 01.03.2025 257.2998 - 257.4246 52 krypton0104 krypton0111 10 30 Gentec Suedwest2, Scan2_257.2998-257.4246
10:20 Uhr 01.03.2025 257.4246 - 257.5470 52 krypton0112 krypton0113 10 30 Gentec Suedwest3, Scan3_257.4246-257.5470 10:41 measurement was stopped because beam is gone
11:08 Uhr 01.03.2025 257.4246 - 257.5470 52 krypton0114 krypton0114 10 30 Gentec Suedwest3.2, Scan3_257.4246-257.5494 First wavelength step at 11:08, no ions after fifth step. Scan aborted at 11:16
13:00 Uhr 01.03.2025 257.4246 - 257.5470 52 krypton0115 krypton0118 10 30 - Gentecs are logged automatically now; ecooler voltage 157409.6V, hf frequency is still the same (1.7838817MHz), beam gone at 13:16
15:41 Uhr 01.03.2025 257.4246 - 257.5470 52 krypton0119 krypton011 10 30 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b