E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  laser spectroscopy on Be-like Kr  Not logged in ELOG logo
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Message ID: 88     Entry time: Mon Mar 3 08:52:19 2025
Author: Tamina, Rodolfo, Volker, Danyal, Florian 
Category: Runs 
Subject: Extended Scan 257.0574 nm - 257.8022 nm bei hoeherer Ionenenergie 
Neue Umlauffrequenz: 1.78561578504741 MHz
rep freq laser : 3.57123157001
ecooler voltage: 157823 V

file 0418.lmd PMTs on ion distribution (laser blocked) and afterwards PMTs off and laser blocked
bunch is not centered enough between PD peaks

file 0419.lmd PMTs on ion distribution (laser blocked) and afterwards PMTs off and laser blocked
bunch is now properly centered enough between PD peaks (SW:56 bins,NW: 87)

Zeit Scanbereich (nm) Anzahl Laserschritte Start LMD Stop LMD Messdauer (s) Elektronenkuehlung (s) Kommentar
12:45 Uhr 03.03.2025 257.0574 - 257.1750 49 krypton0420 krypton0422 10 30 Run stopped due to missynchronization of laser and ion bunches
- - - - - - there was a typo in the laser repetition frequency (10th decimal place)
13:17 Uhr 03.03.2025 257.0574 - 257.1750 49 krypton0423 krypton0428 10 30 repeat of previous scan range
14:12 Uhr 03.03.2025 257.1750 - 257.2998 52 krypton0430 krypton0436 10 30 file 429 (14:07) closed, because of two fail injections in ESR
15:05 Uhr 03.03.2025 257.2998 - 257.4246 52 krypton0437 krypton0443 10 30 empty shot at step 34
em 16:24 Uhr 03.03.2025 257.4246 - 257.5494 52 krypton0444 krypton0450 10 30 -
17:16 Uhr 03.03.2025 257.5494 - 257.6750 52 krypton0451 krypton0452 10 30 Bad shots at 6, 8, empty shot at 9, 10; HF cavity gone -
17:16 Uhr 03.03.2025 257.5494 - 257.6750 52 krypton0453 krypton04 10 30 -
Uhr 03.03.2025 257.6750 - 257.8022 52 krypton0 krypton0 10 30 -
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b