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  Bound beta decay experiment on Tl-205  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 23     Entry time: Fri Mar 27 19:59:09 2020
Author: Ragan 
Category: General 
Subject: Beam stacking in ESR is achieved 
Thanks to Sergey and Markus, stacking of primary H-like 206Pb81+ beam in ESR is achieved.

The stacking of the primary beam was established. There is continuous cooling on the injection orbit by stochastic cooling and by electron cooling on the stack orbit. (Time controlled operation of stochastic cooling could not be achieved due to controls issues). After stchastic cooling on the injection orbit the rf system decelerates the beam by 1.5 % in momentum and at the lower momentum electron cooling keeps the beam. The DC trafo shows accumulation of 10 injections of primary low intensity Pb81+ beam. Losses during the accumulation seems to be small.
Attachment 1: 8B7F254E-DB10-48B6-9E2E-9CA0FF998C12.MOV  15.533 MB
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