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  Bound beta decay experiment on Tl-205  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 3     Entry time: Wed Dec 5 17:29:24 2018
Author: Chen, Sidhu 
Category: Detectors 
Subject: signal map 

Here is a summary of signal map. The charged particle detector includes 6 layers of Si-Pad, 1 DSSD and 1 CsI.
All these detectors are installed inside the detector pocket. All signals are connected to one PCB which is attached on the pocket, then are connected
to the PCB of the flange by high density cable. This document descripts the signal map on the PCB of the detector
pocket and flange.

The signal maps of the PCB of the detector pocket are shown as follow:

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b