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  dN=0 experiment  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 13     Entry time: Fri Mar 26 09:10:02 2021
Author: Martino Trassinelli 
Category: Analysis 
Subject: Low energy Li-like beam TDC vs ADC from Ge detector 
Arrival time vs energy of the Xray from the Ge detector during the beam with Li-like U at 39 MeV/u. Prompt data are visible, due to the capture.
Excitation photons are on the right part only (early arrival time). On the left, due the feature of the multi trigger and the high count rate in the particle detector, the data from capture and excitation are together.
From this figure we concluded that probably the excitation was much less effective than the capture, which was confirmed by last  night data.
Attachment 1: time_vs_energy_Li-like_beam_30MeV.png  53 kB  | Show | Show all
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