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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 118     Entry time: Sat Mar 21 11:25:47 2020
Author: Laszlo 
Subject: possible misalignement between target and fragment beam 
after 9hours of measurement we see only 19 counts on our targetON silicon detector histo. this low count rate can indicate two scenarios:
-we have a mismatch between the beam and the target (not much if any overlap)
-mabye the very low intersity of the beam (we cannot really monitor this, there are only estimates...)

Which tells us that we dont intersect with the target, that on the Xray spectras we dont see any peaks at 90 and 145 angles. There are two peaks in 35 angle, but they are maybe only from Pb conversion 75keV, etc...
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