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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 16     Entry time: Mon Jul 8 14:57:07 2019
Author: Yuanming Xing 
Category: Detectors 
Subject: The measurement of the tilting angle 
As shown in the figure, the detector is tilted by a certain angle which is about 45 degree. 
The tilted angle is defined as angle B.
We measured angle A using the vertical laser line (red) and papers with a straight line edge. So we can marked
the line denoted by the laser line when the paper is put on the holder.
In the beginning, the angle A is measured as 43.3±0.5 degree. So angle B= 46.7±0.5 degree
After the adjustment of the detector (to make it in the center of the chamber), the angle A is measured as
43.1±0.5 degree with another paper.  So angle B= 46.9±0.5 degree. 
Attachment 1: TiltingAngle.png  1.024 MB  Uploaded Mon Jul 8 18:34:42 2019  | Show | Show all
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