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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 185     Entry time: Sun Mar 22 12:50:00 2020
Author: Shahab 
Category: Runs 
Subject: Life time of 10 MeV/u Tail of 118-Te-52+ 
The life time of 10 MeV/u Tail of cycle 118-Te-52+ was analyzed using Schottky peak intensity. Schottky signal was taken from the parallel plate Schottky monitor at  using the:

Tektronix RSA5103B analyzer parameters:
Frequency = 39.8380 MHz
span = 50 kHz
RBW = 100 Hz
AcqBW = 78.12 kHz

The peak intensity is integrated power of the resolution bandwidth. 

Trigger was set to machine 12, same as gas target "on" signal. Each file contains 40 seconds of recorded signal. Spectra were calculated using sensitive multitaper method with additional averaging of every 10 time frames.

After evaluation of several Schottky spectra, except from some fluctuations, there was no significant change in beam lifetime with or without gas target. They are in the same order of magnitude, that is, it seems that target interaction is not so prominent compared to the rest of the ring. with a xenon target the situation would be much different.

Attached are some plots. Also here are the results of the analyzed files in text form:

Target off: average 9.21 sec

118Te52+_-2020. t= 9.24733015363724
118Te52+_-2020. t= 8.070302067046537
118Te52+_-2020. t= 9.309208734357618
118Te52+_-2020. t= 7.94474492655749
118Te52+_-2020. t= 11.510487780556794

Target on: average 10.9 secs

118Te52+_-2020. t= 9.80012584127354
118Te52+_-2020. t= 11.751070659928155
118Te52+_-2020. t= 10.719205394679026
118Te52+_-2020. t= 13.722763765411063
118Te52+_-2020. t= 8.513007281444073
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