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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
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Message ID: 19     Entry time: Fri Aug 9 13:14:09 2019
Author: Laszlo 
Subject: pn channel simulations for 111Sn(p,g)112Sb experiment 
The p,n channel opening for the 111Sn+p reaction is at 5.8895 MeV/u beam energy. Therefore, when choosing as 6MeV/u, 7MeV/u, 8MeV/u beam energies, there is not much kinetic energy left for the outgoing neutron --> there are "less" nuclear levels populated above groundstate in 111Sb, they can be handled explicitly. My simulations are based on TALYS results. The following steps did I made:

1, choose an energy for the 111Sn beam. for this example let it be 8AMeV. 
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