E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 200     Entry time: Sun Mar 22 17:49:28 2020
Author: Michael, Laszlo 
Category: Runs 
Subject: run entry - run088 
The beam is still unchanged. We just start a run to collect all remaining data.
Data is probably scratch, expect changing conditions at the machines during the run.

No counts in Target ON phase at Silicon Detector. Probably we had only two first shoots from FRS in this run (see picture below)

open file : run088

beam: 118Te52+ (?)
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 17:48:58 , first file: run088_0001.lmd
run stop  at  , last file:  run_0xxx.lmd


time: 17:53 pm.

ON Rates
Si_X:       0 Hz
Si_Y:       0 Hz
Xray_35:    3 Hz
Xray_90:    54 Hz
Xray_145:   28 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.05 uA

SIS particles before:           ~2.3e9
ESR current at injection:        6.5 uA
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              8.45e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
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