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Message ID: 20     Entry time: Fri Aug 9 13:43:15 2019
Author: Laszlo 
Category: Simulations 
Subject: pn channel simulations for 111Sn(p,g)112Sb experiment 
The p,n channel opening for 111Sn beam is at 5.8895 MeV/u beam energy. Therefore, when choosing 6MeV/u, 7MeV/u,
8MeV/u beam energies, there is not much kinetic energy left for the excitation of the 111Sb nucleus --> there
can be "less" nuclear levels populated above groundstate of 111Sb. These "less" states can be handled explicitly
(no continuum levels) with the TALYS code. I make the following steps to simulate the (p,n) products for a given

1, choose an energy for the 111Sn beam. for this example let it be 8AMeV. Then I use my energy calculator:

/u/lvarga/public/lab2cm_updated 111Sn 8

this gives the last output: " equvivalent (E_lab)^rel for p in talys = 8.06689 MeV ". This energy is the value
what i should put into TALYS as the p projectile energy. In TALYS we have only normal kinematics.

2, make the calculation with the TALYS code for outpopulation, outgamdis and outangle. For the first two cases,
an extra command is given: "maxlevelsbin n 30" to get discrete levels.

3, based on the outpopulation and outgamdis I create an excellsheet which tells me the probability of decay
happening after the n-emission.
   from outpopul, I can tell which level is populated in which % after the n-emission. (using the cross sections
and normalizing to the summed cross section)
   from outgamdis, I can tell that for a specific level after the n-emission what is the probability of the
decay afterwards. (using the cross sections given). 

4, regarding outangle, the cross sections are given for each 2. degree angle only. To get a continuous
dependency, I fit these with a 6. order polinomial function for each level. Later on, I use this polinomial
function for angular corrections.

5, for each decay scheme, I make a MOCADI code. For the target, instead of Hydrogen mass, I am using the proton
mass (otherwise, TALYS and MOCADI will not be compatible, ~511keV gap will remain in the CM energy, which of
course highly influencing the kinematics). For the nuclear masses, my calculator can be used:

/u/lvarga/public/atomic2nuclearMass 111Sn

It is important, that after the first n-emission I put a save point (which is the SAVE #1)for the later angular

6, I mix the root file outputs from MOCADI based on the probabilities from my excell table. Also angular
corrections can be given using the (180-tof[1]) angle. There is not much difference however, but the computation
time increases dramatically.
//in the simulations at the PIN-diode position there is a scraping edge 3cm away from the beam.
Attachment 1: pn_7AMeV_without_angular.png  31 kB  Uploaded Fri Aug 9 16:20:46 2019  | Show | Show all
Attachment 2: pn_7AMeV_angular.png  29 kB  Uploaded Fri Aug 9 16:20:55 2019  | Show | Show all
Attachment 3: pn_7AMeV_level_without_angular_corrections-30.root  134 kB  Uploaded Fri Aug 9 16:21:08 2019
Attachment 4: pn_7AMeV_level_angle_corrections-30.root  346 kB  Uploaded Fri Aug 9 16:21:12 2019
Attachment 5: output_111Sn_outpopulation_7AMeV  107 kB  Uploaded Fri Aug 9 16:21:30 2019  | Show | Show all
Attachment 6: output_111Sn_outgamdis_7AMeV  22 kB  Uploaded Fri Aug 9 16:21:34 2019  | Show | Show all
Attachment 7: pn_8AMeV_without_angular.png  36 kB  Uploaded Fri Aug 9 16:21:45 2019  | Show | Show all
Attachment 8: pn_8AMeV_angular.png  34 kB  Uploaded Fri Aug 9 16:21:50 2019  | Show | Show all
Attachment 9: output_111Sn_outpopulation_8AMeV  112 kB  Uploaded Fri Aug 9 16:22:21 2019  | Show | Show all
Attachment 10: output_111Sn_outgamdis_8AMeV  24 kB  Uploaded Fri Aug 9 16:22:25 2019  | Show | Show all
Attachment 11: pn_8AMeV_level_without_angular_corrections-30.root  480 kB  Uploaded Fri Aug 9 16:26:11 2019
Attachment 12: pn_8AMeV_level_angle_corrections-30.root  1.291 MB  Uploaded Fri Aug 9 16:26:17 2019
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