Version 15.17.7 {============================= Main Part ======================================} [general] File = C:/Users/weick/Desktop/124Xe_118Te_2mmSci_newoptics.lpp Date = 21-05-2021 Time = 21:33:02 Configuration = GSI\FRS - TA-ESR.lcn Optionsfile = A1900_2010.lopt Title = GSI FRS TA-ESR BlockStructure = DSMDAMWSDMSDMASD NumberOfBlocks = 16 [settings] A,Z,Q = 124Xe54+ ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam Energy = 552.595 MeV/u Intensity = 3e+9 pps ; enA,pna,pps,kW RF frequency = 20 MHz Bunch length = 1 ns Settings on A,Z = 118Te ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam [OpticsBeam] BX = 1 (+/-)mm ; one-half the horisontal beam extent (x) BT = 5 (+/-)mrad ; one-half the horisontal beam divergence(x') BY = 1.5 (+/-)mm ; one-half the vertical beam extent (y) BF = 3.33 (+/-)mrad ; one-half the vertical beam divergence (y') BL = 0 (+/-)mm BD = 0.05 (+/-)% ; one-half of the momentum spread (dp/p) ShiftX = 0 mm ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis AngleX = 0 mrad ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis ShiftY = 0 mm ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis AngleY = 0 mrad ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis Scheme Angle = 0 degrees ShapeX = 1 ShapeT = 1 ShapeY = 1 ShapeF = 1 ShapeL = 1 ShapeD = 1 OptBeam_X = 1 (+/-)mm OptBeam_T = 30 (+/-)mrad OptBeam_Y = 1 (+/-)mm OptBeam_F = 30 (+/-)mrad OptBeam_L = 0 (+/-)mm OptBeam_D = 1.5 (+/-)% [options] NP simple = 32 ; Number of points in distribution NP charge states = 64 ; Number of points in distribution NP wedge = 32 ; Number of points in distribution Charge states = Yes ; No & Yes CutEdgeEffect = 1 ; 1-Yes. Default, 0-no - for extended configurations Prim.beam scatter = 0 ; 0-without, 1-with Delta peak = 0 ; 0-without, 1-with BrhoMeanMax = 1 ; 0-Max, 1-Mean BrhoMeMaLeRi = 3 ; 0-Max, 1-Mean, 2-Left, 3-Right /for fission/ [target] Target contents = 0,4,1,9.012 ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass Target thickness = 1,2513,1.848,0,0,0 ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas,.. Target fusion compound = 0 Targ use for Q-states = 1 Target Defect = 1,0 ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree, [1]=value; Degrader contents = 0,41,1,92.906 ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass Degrader thickness = 1,0,8.57,0,0,0 ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas,.. Degra use for Q-states = 1 Degrader Defect = 1,0 ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree, [1]=value; [mechanism] Reaction = 0 ; 0 - fragm, 1 - fusion-resid, 2 - fusion-fission CalcOther = 1 ; calculate other reactions V calculation = 5 ; 0 - constant, 1 - Borrel, 2 - Rami, 3-convolution, 4-two body reaction V_opt/Vbeam = 1 ; default 1 Velocity_exceed = 1 ; 0 - without, 1-with - two-body recations velocity corrections Binding Energy for Vf/Vp = 8 MeV ; Binding energy for Borrel's expression Shift for Vf/Vp calc = 0 Prefragment_Rami = 1 ; 1-Yes, 0-No Sigma0 = 90 MeV/c ; default 90 SigmaD = 0 MeV/c ; default 200 SigmaM = 87 MeV/c ; default 87 Asymmetry = 0 % ; default 0 Method v-sigma = 0 ; 0 - Goldhaber, 1-Morrissey,2-Friedman,3-Convolution G_Surface = 0.95 MeV/fm^2 Symmetry around half_Ab = 1 ; 1 - yes, 0-no Pfaff pickup correction = 0 ; 1 - yes, 0-no ChargeExchangePfaff = 1 ; 1 - exclude, 0-forget Sigma corr 0 = 0 ; Coulomb energy Sigma corr 1 = 0 ; Projectile mass Friedman mode = 2 ; 0-Qgg, 1-Surface, 2-Qgg+Surface Prefragment_Fri = 1 ; 1-Yes, 0-No Coulomb_Friedman = 1 ; 1-Yes, 0-No K_Morr = 8 MeV/A ; E/A=8MeV/A default; D.Morrissey coef. K_MorHalf = 8 MeV/A ; E/A=8MeV/A default at Afrag=Aproj/2; D.Morrissey coef. AA_fast = 0 ; 1-Yes, 0-No MethodApf = 2 ; Prefragment search method: 0-N/Z direction, 1 - W*EPAX, 2 - W*CSgeom, ExcitationApf = 1 ; Excitation energy for APF search: 0 - dSurface, 1 - dA*Ex BarrierShape = 1 ; 0-classical, 1-quantum mech. H_omega = 5 MeV ; default 3 Probabilty_CN = 1 ; 0/1 use Prbabilty for CN formation UseVanishing = 1 ; 1-Yes, 0-No VanishMode = 0 ; 0-Sierk, 1-Cohen NuclPotential = 1 ; 0-Bass, 1-WS WS_V0 = 105 MeV WS_R0 = 1.12 fm WS_a = 0.75 fm FusDiffuseness = 1 Width Coef = 1 ; default 1; for Leon's charge state distribution gZt Correction = 1 ; default 1; Leon's C.S.D. PowerCoefLeon = 0.477 ; default 0.477; Leon's C.S.D. Cross section = File ; Fit & File Charge method = 3 ; charge calculations method 0-5 EPAX Cross Section = 4 ; cross section calculations method 0-4 SR Cross Section = 2 ; EPAX for SR 0-2 Energy Loss = 4 ; energy loss calculation method 0-3 Anglular straggling = 1 ; 0-LISE, 1-ATIMA StragglingCoef1 = 0.217 StragglingCoef2 = 1.12 Energy straggling = 1 ; 0-LISE, 1-ATIMA EnergyStragMethod = 0 ; 0-integrate, 1-table EnergyStragShape = 0 ; 0-Gauss, 1-Landau-Vavilov EquilThickness = 1 ; 0-Charge, 1-Global MassMethod = 0 ; 0-DB+calcul, 1 + just calcul MassDataBase = 0 ; 0-A&W, 1-User ME Mass formula = 2 ; 0-LDM, 1-Myerer, 2: 1+corrections UseChargeForEnergy = 2 ; 0-No, 1-Yes, 2-Auto EnergyValueAuto = 30 ; default value 30 MeV/u EquilibriumMode = 1 ; 0-Equil, 1-NonEquil UB_Global = 70 ; default 70 MeV/u MinZ_Global = 2 ; default Z>=29 ChargeStateOptim = 1 ; 0-No, 1-Yes ZmQ_AfterReactn = 0 ; default 0 (full stripped) EPAX_p_Norm = 1 EPAX_p_Un = 1.65 EPAX_p_Up0 = 1.79 EPAX_p_Up1 = 0.00472 EPAX_p_Up2 = -1.3e-5 EPAX_p_H = 1 [fission] FisAngDistShape = 0 ; 0-isotropic; 1-anisotropic FisMomCutForAngDist = 2 ; 0-dont use; 1-use just MatrixKinematics; 2-use for all; (default 2) OddEvenCorrections = 1 ; 0-dont use; 1-use PostScissionEvaporation = 1 ; 0-dont use; 1-use DeexcitFunctionPoints = 0 ; 0- average deexcitation energy; 1- 3 points; 2 - manually FisEXmanually = 20 ; Excitation energy manually FisCSmanually = 1000 ; Cross section manually FisTXEmethod = 1 ; 0-from Edissipated, 1 from Q-value Fis_f = 0.0045 ; default 0.0045 FisEXsigma = 5.5 MeV ; default 5.5 FisCS_Global = 1e-11 FisCS_TKE = 1e-8 FisBeta1 = 0.625 ; deformation of light fragment FisBeta2 = 0.625 ; deformation of heavy fragment FisTKE_d = 2 fm ; d-param in Wilkins formula FisBetaFit = 1 ; 0-manual, 1-fit N0 = 83 ; default 82 dU0 = -2.65 ; default -2.5 C0 = 0.7 ; default 1.4 cpol0 = 0.65 ; default 0.65 width0 = 0.63 ; default 0.63 N1 = 90 ; default 90 dU1 = -3.8 ; default -5.5 C1 = 0.15 ; default 0.16 cpol1 = 0.55 ; default 0.55 width1 = 0.97 ; default 0.97 [charge_suppression] FragInd = 1e-3 FragTotal = 1e-5 BeamInd = 1e-20 BeamTotal = 1e-20 [convolution] Convolution mode = 1 ; 0-Qgg, 1-Surface, 2-E* per Abraded nucleon SigmaConv = 91.5 MeV/c ; default 90 for Convolution CoefConv_0 = 3.344 CoefConv_1 = 3 CoefConv_2 = 1 ShiftConv_0 = 0.158 ShiftConv_1 = 0.149 ShiftConv_2 = -1 [evaporation] NP evaporation = 32 ; Number of points in distribution NPevapFis = 8 ; Number of points in distribution EvapMethod = 2 StateDensityMode = 2 ; 0, 1+pairing, 2+shell EvapUnstableNuclei = 1 ; 0 - only stable,1 +unstable Tunnelling = 1 ; 1-Yes, 0-No AvoidUnboundCS = 1 ; 1-Yes, 0-No ProtectedChannels = 1 ; 1-Yes, 0-No R_Evaporation = 5.7 fm ; correction for the effective Coulomb barrier Mode_Apf_manual = 0 ; 1-manual, 0-auto Energy_in_T = 2 ; default 2 EvaporationVelocity = 0 ; 0 - quality, 1 -fast DeltaOddEvenEvap = 12 DeltaOddEvenFission = 14 BreakupTemperature250 = 4.7 BreakupTemperature150 = 5.9 BreakupTemperature050 = 8 BreakupDiffuseness = 0.05 DissipationKramers = 0 ; 0 - no, 1 - use DissipationStepFunction = 1 ; 0 - no, 1 - use DissipationBeta = 1 ; default 2.0 mode_1n = 1 ; 1-Yes, 0-No mode_2n = 0 ; 1-Yes, 0-No mode_1p = 1 ; 1-Yes, 0-No mode_2p = 0 ; 1-Yes, 0-No mode_a = 1 ; 1-Yes, 0-No mode_d = 0 ; 1-Yes, 0-No mode_t = 0 ; 1-Yes, 0-No mode_3he = 0 ; 1-Yes, 0-No mode_fis = 1 ; 1-Yes, 0-No mode_brk_up = 1 ; 1-Yes, 0-No mode_gamma = 0 ; 1-Yes, 0-No [fission_barrier] FissionBarrierFactor = 1 FissionBarrierMode = 1 ; #0-4 OddEvenCorrections = 1 ; 1-Yes, 0-No ShellCorrections = 1 ; 1-Yes, 0-No FB_InOutMax = 2 ; #0-2 - in/out/max ModeForUser = 1 ; #0-2 NdeltaOddEven = 2.5 ZdeltaOddEven = 9 [excitation_energy] GeomAA_Correction = 1 ; 0 - don't use,1 - use -default Thermalization = 0 ; 1-Yes, 0-No ThermaTimeCoef = 3e+0 ; 2.1e-22 MeV *s/e(t) Friction = 0 ; 0 - off,1 - on Ev_A_SigmaCoef = 9.6 G_FrictionCoef1 = 6.5 G_FrictionCoef2 = 0.5 G_FactorCoef1 = 1.5 G_FactorCoef2 = 2.5 DepthHole = 40 EnergyCoef_CB0 = 0 EnergyCoef_CB1 = 13.3 EnergyCoef_CB2 = 0 SigmaCoef_CB0 = 0 SigmaCoef_CB1 = 9.6 SigmaCoef_CB2 = 0 D_MeanTemp = 13 AA_factor = 1 ApplyLimitTemp = 0 ; 1-Yes, 0-No [evapauto] tun_a0 = -0.61392 tun_a1 = 0.44559 tun_a2 = 0.12008 A_Bound = 300 ; mass A_Pairing = 70 ; mass [plot] Start target = RF ; Detector & RF Start of TOF = T1 Stop of TOF = T1 dE-detector-1st = M2 dE-detector-2nd = M2 TKE-detector = M2 PlotBrho = D4 PlotWedge = S4 X-detector = M4 Y-detector = M4 Tilting = M1 Stopper = M2 RO_Wedge = n ConditionBlock = A10 Plot threshold = 1e-10 pps ; minimal value for plot scale Shift of TOF for RF = 0 ns ; for dE-TOF plot with RF Fraction of RF trigger = 2 UseCondition = 0 TKE_calibration = 1,1,0,MeV ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension [cs_file] UserDiffCS = 0 ; Number of User Diff CS saved in this file AppendOverwrite = 1 AttachedInside = 1 ShowCSinPlot = 1 Chi2 = 1 CSfilename = //WinFileSvG/FRS$Root/Weick/Eigene Dateien/experiments/E100-205Tl/206Pb+9Be-frag.cs [sec_reactions] NP sec.reactions = 16 ; Number of points in distribution Secondary reactions = 0 ; 0/1 - use secondary reactions in calculations fiss_FilterUse0 = 1 fiss_FilterUse1 = 1 fiss_FilterUse2 = 1 fiss_ellipse = 5 fiss_NdeltaTop = 0 fiss_ZdeltaTop = 0 fiss_NdeltaBot = 25 fiss_ZdeltaBot = 20 frag_FilterUse0 = 3 frag_FilterUse1 = 3 frag_FilterUse2 = 3 frag_ellipse = 4 frag_NdeltaTop = 5 frag_ZdeltaTop = 5 frag_NdeltaBot = 6 frag_ZdeltaBot = 6 [abrasion_fission] HML_show = 7 ; HML-bits BoundaryLow = 40 MeV BoundaryHigh = 180 MeV Velocity = 1 ; Calculat fissile nuclei speed LowEx_nucleus = 39Ar18+ ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam L_CS_Ex = 3.000e+02 25.00 5.00 ; mb, MeV, Mev MidEx_nucleus = 34S 16+ ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam M_CS_Ex = 1.000e+03 100.00 5.00 ; mb, MeV, Mev HighEx_nucleus = 28Si14+ ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam H_CS_Ex = 8.000e+02 250.00 5.00 ; mb, MeV, Mev [gamma_detection] coef0 = 1.39905 coef1 = 0.69523 coef2 = -5.92199 coef3 = 1 coef4 = 0.269 area = 38.81 cm^2 distance = 20.4 cm geom_eff = 1 % mode = 2 ; 0-area,1-dist,2-geom threshold = 100 keV start = 0 mks gate = 10 mks Energy_cell = 1330 keV Refer_GperF = 0.01 g/f UseGeom = 0 ; yes-1, no-0 UseEnergy = 1 ; yes-1, no-0 [sec_target] NP2 = 16 ; Dimension tertiary = 0 ; yes-1, no-0 method = 0 ; 0-distribution, 1-gauss, 2-d4 threshold = 1e-10 Pr_z0 = 1 Pr_z1 = 100 Pr_n0 = 0 Pr_n1 = 200 Dr_z0 = 1 Dr_z1 = 82 Dr_n0 = 0 Dr_n1 = 124 [cross sections] [previous] Lowerst = 76Os76+ ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam Highest = 209Bi83+ ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam [finger] Diffuseness = 0.01 ; default 0.01 Suppression = 1e+12 ; default 1e12 [MC_options] dXsel = 0 dYsel = 10 dAZQ_X = 1 dAZQ_Y = 5 dVEL_X = 1 dVEL_Y = 0 dIso_mode = 1 strag_ang = 1 strag_ene = 1 strag_lat = 0 MCresolution = 1 XYresolution = 1 defect = 1 charge = 1 loss_reaction = 1 reaction_ang = 0 reaction_mom = 0 HighOrder = 1 CS_use = 1 envelope_show = 0 use_bore = 0 use_ang_acc = 1 XY_orientation = 0 outside_cikl = 1 MC_outside_sigma = 1 dP_option = 0 Radialsign = 0 AZQ_Xsigma = 0.1 AZQ_Ysigma = 0.1 G1_gate = 0 0 -100.0000 100.0000 G2_gate = 0 0 -100.0000 100.0000 G3_gate = 0 0 -100.0000 100.0000 G4_gate = 0 0 -100.0000 100.0000 G1_component = 0 0,R1,R1,R1 ; mode,RF_TOF,BP,TOFstart,TOFstop G2_component = 0 0,R1,R1,R1 G3_component = 0 0,R1,R1,R1 G4_component = 0 0,R1,R1,R1 [Levmar_fit] Niter = 1000 ; # iterations UseBounds = 1 ; yes-1, no-0 Example = 4 ; 0-15 opt0 = 1e-3 opt1 = 1e-15 opt2 = 1e-15 opt3 = 1e-20 opt4 = 1e-6 {============================= BLOCK D1 - Dipole ======================================} [D1_General] Name = D1,1 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 1 ; Use 1/0 Length = 18.169300 m ; Length block for optical blocks SE_method = 0 ; 0: S-block, 1: E-block SecondOrder = 0 ; Exist - 1, Non - 0 ThirdOrder = 0 ; Number of lines COSY file = NULL CalculateAuto = 1 ; 0/1/2 nothing, keep_matrix, keep_field RemotePermission = 0 ; 0/1 - no/yes Before_Quad = 2 ; number of quadrupoles before optic device After_Quad = 2 ; number of quadrupoles after optic device QB_DontDraw = 0 QA_DontDraw = 0 ZmQ = 0 ; Z - Q = charge state settings Calibration file = GSI\ [D1_slits] SlitsShape = 0 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse ApertureShape = 1 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse X_action = 0,0,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 X_size = 1,-100.00,-100.0,100.00,100.0 ; joint,Left,L-limit,Right,R-limit Y_action = 0,0,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 Y_size = 1,-100.00,-100.0,100.00,100.0 ; joint,Bottom,B-limit,Top,T-limit [D1_optics] row1 = -5.08760e-01,-1.34100e-01,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+2.06191e+01 row2 = -9.30000e-02,-1.99000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.09030e+00 row3 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,-3.65088e+00,+5.18780e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e-05 row4 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,-3.18150e-01,+1.78180e-01,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row5 = +2.28800e-01,+4.23400e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,-4.99000e-01 row6 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00 [D1_AngAcceptance] X-Use = 1 ; Use 1/0 X-Value = 12 mrad ; acceptance Y-Use = 1 ; Use 1/0 Y-Value = 15 mrad ; acceptance Shape = 1 ; 0 - rectangle, 1- ellipse [D1_DipoleSettings] Brho = 7.34710 Tm ; magnetic rigidity Angle = 30 degrees Radius = 11.25 m [D1_DipoleTransport] Code4_N = 0 ; default 0. code 4. n Code4_B = 0 ; default 0. code 4. b Calculate2Order = 1 ; Use 1/0 GapVert = 0 cm ; code 16.5 K1 = 0.7 ; code 16.7 K2 = 4.4 ; code 16.8 EntranceCurvature = 0 1/m ; 1/R1 - code 16.12 ExitCurvature = 0 1/m ; 1/R2 - code 16.13 Beta1angle = 0 deg ; code 2.0 - entrance Beta2angle = 0 deg ; code 2.0 - exit UseFringeField = 1 ; Entrance Use 1/0 UseExitFringeF = 1 ; Exit Use 1/0 {============================= BLOCK S1 - Drift ======================================} [S1_General] Name = S1_slits,1 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 1 ; Use 1/0 Length = 0.000000 m ; Length block for optical blocks SE_method = 0 ; 0: S-block, 1: E-block SecondOrder = 0 ; Exist - 1, Non - 0 ThirdOrder = 0 ; Number of lines COSY file = NULL CalculateAuto = 1 ; 0/1/2 nothing, keep_matrix, keep_field RemotePermission = 1 ; 0/1 - no/yes [S1_slits] SlitsShape = 0 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse ApertureShape = 1 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse X_action = 1,1,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 X_size = 1,-33.00,-100.0,33.00,100.0 ; joint,Left,L-limit,Right,R-limit Y_action = 0,0,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 Y_size = 1,-100.00,-100.0,100.00,100.0 ; joint,Bottom,B-limit,Top,T-limit [S1_optics] row1 = +1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e-05 row2 = +0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row3 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e-05 row4 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row5 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row6 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00 [S1_AngAcceptance] X-Use = 0 ; Use 1/0 X-Value = 1000 mrad ; acceptance Y-Use = 0 ; Use 1/0 Y-Value = 1000 mrad ; acceptance Shape = 1 ; 0 - rectangle, 1- ellipse [S1_DriftSettings] Mode = 0 ; 4-finger, E-Quad 3, M-Quad 2, Stand 1, Beamline 0 ShowLength = 0 ; I 3 / B 2 / Brho 1 / Length 0 Length_effective = 0 m Leff_coef = 0.7 1 Leff_mode = 0 ; file-3, calc-2, manually-1, keep-0 MagneticField = 5 KG Radius = 5 cm ; half-aperture Include 2nd order = 0 ; 1 - Yes / 0 - No CorrespondBrho = 0 Tm ; refBrho CorrespondErho = 0e+0 J/c ; for e-quad refErho Voltage = 0 kV ; for e-quad sextMagnField = 0 KG sextRad = 5 cm ; half-aperture Calibration file = NULL {============================= BLOCK M1 - Material ======================================} [M1_General] Name = MW11,1 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 0 ; Use 1/0 Length = 0.000000 m ; Length block for optical blocks [M1_Compound] contents1 = 0,26,1,55.847 ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass thickness = 1,256,7.866,0,0,0 ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas,.. Defect = 0,0.5 ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree, [1]=value; Use for Q-states = 1 ; Use 1/0 ResolutionE = 0,1 ; [0] choice - % or MeV, [1]=value; Resolution2 = 0.5,0.5,0.5 ns,mm,mm ; Time&X&Y space [M1_BlockCalibration] TOF = 1,1,0,ns ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension dE = 1,1,0,MeV ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension X = 1,1,0,mm ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension Y = 1,1,0,mm ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension [M1_ProdTarget] ProdTarget = 0 ; 1 - Yes / 0 - No {============================= BLOCK D2 - Dipole ======================================} [D2_General] Name = D2,1 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 1 ; Use 1/0 Length = 18.110100 m ; Length block for optical blocks SE_method = 0 ; 0: S-block, 1: E-block SecondOrder = 0 ; Exist - 1, Non - 0 ThirdOrder = 0 ; Number of lines COSY file = NULL CalculateAuto = 1 ; 0/1/2 nothing, keep_matrix, keep_field RemotePermission = 0 ; 0/1 - no/yes Before_Quad = 2 ; number of quadrupoles before optic device After_Quad = 2 ; number of quadrupoles after optic device QB_DontDraw = 0 QA_DontDraw = 0 ZmQ = 0 ; Z - Q = charge state settings Calibration file = GSI\ [D2_slits] SlitsShape = 0 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse ApertureShape = 1 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse X_action = 1,1,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 X_size = 1,-100.00,-100.0,100.00,100.0 ; joint,Left,L-limit,Right,R-limit Y_action = 1,0,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 Y_size = 1,-100.00,-100.0,100.00,100.0 ; joint,Bottom,B-limit,Top,T-limit [D2_optics] row1 = -1.59176e+00,+1.07240e-01,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,-3.54820e+01 row2 = -2.01100e-02,-6.26880e-01,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.09800e+00 row3 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,-2.74720e-01,+7.34300e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e-05 row4 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,-4.57700e-02,-2.41677e+00,+0.00000e+00,-1.33200e-06 row5 = -3.26120e-01,-2.34770e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+1.03370e+01 row6 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00 [D2_AngAcceptance] X-Use = 1 ; Use 1/0 X-Value = 22 mrad ; acceptance Y-Use = 1 ; Use 1/0 Y-Value = 3.5 mrad ; acceptance Shape = 1 ; 0 - rectangle, 1- ellipse [D2_DipoleSettings] Brho = 7.34710 Tm ; magnetic rigidity Angle = -30 degrees Radius = 11.25 m [D2_DipoleTransport] Code4_N = 0 ; default 0. code 4. n Code4_B = 0 ; default 0. code 4. b Calculate2Order = 1 ; Use 1/0 GapVert = 0 cm ; code 16.5 K1 = 0.7 ; code 16.7 K2 = 4.4 ; code 16.8 EntranceCurvature = 0 1/m ; 1/R1 - code 16.12 ExitCurvature = 0 1/m ; 1/R2 - code 16.13 Beta1angle = 0 deg ; code 2.0 - entrance Beta2angle = 0 deg ; code 2.0 - exit UseFringeField = 1 ; Entrance Use 1/0 UseExitFringeF = 1 ; Exit Use 1/0 {============================= BLOCK A1 - FaradayCup ======================================} [A1_General] Name = FaradayCup 1,0 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 0 ; Use 1/0 Length = 0.000000 m ; Length block for optical blocks [A1_Compound] contents1 = 0,74,1,183.85 ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass thickness = 0,10000000000,19.35,0,0,0 ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas,.. Defect = 1,0 ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree, [1]=value; Use for Q-states = 1 ; Use 1/0 ResolutionE = 0,0.5 ; [0] choice - % or MeV, [1]=value; Resolution2 = 0.1,0.3,0.3 ns,mm,mm ; Time&X&Y space [A1_BlockCalibration] TOF = 1,1,0,ns ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension dE = 1,1,0,MeV ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension X = 1,1,0,mm ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension Y = 1,1,0,mm ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension {============================= BLOCK M2 - Material ======================================} [M2_General] Name = TPC22,1 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 0 ; Use 1/0 Length = 0.000000 m ; Length block for optical blocks [M2_Compound] contents1 = 0,22,1,47.9 ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass thickness = 1,110,4.519,0,0,0 ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas,.. Defect = 0,0.5 ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree, [1]=value; Use for Q-states = 1 ; Use 1/0 ResolutionE = 0,1 ; [0] choice - % or MeV, [1]=value; Resolution2 = 0.5,0.5,0.5 ns,mm,mm ; Time&X&Y space [M2_BlockCalibration] TOF = 1,1,0,ns ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension dE = 1,1,0,MeV ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension X = 1,1,0,mm ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension Y = 1,1,0,mm ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension [M2_ProdTarget] ProdTarget = 0 ; 1 - Yes / 0 - No {============================= BLOCK W1 - Wedge ======================================} [W1_General] Name = S2_wedge,1 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 1 ; Use 1/0 Length = 0.000000 m ; Length block for optical blocks [W1_Compound] contents1 = 0,1,10,1.008 ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass contents2 = 1,6,9,12.011 ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass thickness = 0,2000,1.032,0,0,0 ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas,.. Defect = 1,0 ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree, [1]=value; Use for Q-states = 1 ; Use 1/0 [W1_ProdTarget] ProdTarget = 0 ; 1 - Yes / 0 - No [W1_WedgeSettings] ProfileMode = 0 ; 0-Wedge,1-Homo,2-Curved,3-Custom PhysProfileDesirable = 0 ; 0-Achrom,1-Monoch,2-user-defined Angle = -0.82181 mrad ; wedge slope for the mode (0-Wedge) Direction = 0 ; x=0, y=1 CalculateForBlock = D5 DirectReverse = 0 ; 0-direct, 1-LISE reverse, 2-COSY ProfileFileName = NULL ExternalInternal = 1 ; external=0 / internal=1 ReadInternal = 0 ; 1 - Yes / 0 - No CustomFileName = NULL CustExternalInter = 1 ; external=0 / internal=1 CustReadInter = 0 ; 1 - Yes / 0 - No Porder = 2 ; polynom order 1-4 coef0 = 0e+0 mm^(+1) coef1 = 0e+0 mm^(+0) coef2 = 0e+0 mm^(-1) coef3 = 0e+0 mm^(-2) coef4 = 0e+0 mm^(-3) MatrixElement66 = 1 ; d/d matrix, default 1 {============================= BLOCK S2 - Drift ======================================} [S2_General] Name = S2_slits,1 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 1 ; Use 1/0 Length = 0.000000 m ; Length block for optical blocks SE_method = 0 ; 0: S-block, 1: E-block SecondOrder = 0 ; Exist - 1, Non - 0 ThirdOrder = 0 ; Number of lines COSY file = NULL CalculateAuto = 1 ; 0/1/2 nothing, keep_matrix, keep_field RemotePermission = 1 ; 0/1 - no/yes [S2_slits] SlitsShape = 0 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse ApertureShape = 1 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse X_action = 1,1,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 X_size = 1,-40.00,-100.0,40.00,100.0 ; joint,Left,L-limit,Right,R-limit Y_action = 1,1,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 Y_size = 1,-100.00,-100.0,100.00,100.0 ; joint,Bottom,B-limit,Top,T-limit [S2_optics] row1 = +1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e-05 row2 = +0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row3 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e-05 row4 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row5 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row6 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00 [S2_AngAcceptance] X-Use = 0 ; Use 1/0 X-Value = 1000 mrad ; acceptance Y-Use = 0 ; Use 1/0 Y-Value = 1000 mrad ; acceptance Shape = 1 ; 0 - rectangle, 1- ellipse [S2_DriftSettings] Mode = 0 ; 4-finger, E-Quad 3, M-Quad 2, Stand 1, Beamline 0 ShowLength = 0 ; I 3 / B 2 / Brho 1 / Length 0 Length_effective = 0 m Leff_coef = 0.7 1 Leff_mode = 0 ; file-3, calc-2, manually-1, keep-0 MagneticField = 5 KG Radius = 5 cm ; half-aperture Include 2nd order = 0 ; 1 - Yes / 0 - No CorrespondBrho = 0 Tm ; refBrho CorrespondErho = 0e+0 J/c ; for e-quad refErho Voltage = 0 kV ; for e-quad sextMagnField = 0 KG sextRad = 5 cm ; half-aperture Calibration file = NULL {============================= BLOCK D3 - Dipole ======================================} [D3_General] Name = D3,1 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 1 ; Use 1/0 Length = 18.340000 m ; Length block for optical blocks SE_method = 0 ; 0: S-block, 1: E-block SecondOrder = 0 ; Exist - 1, Non - 0 ThirdOrder = 0 ; Number of lines COSY file = NULL CalculateAuto = 1 ; 0/1/2 nothing, keep_matrix, keep_field RemotePermission = 0 ; 0/1 - no/yes Before_Quad = 2 ; number of quadrupoles before optic device After_Quad = 2 ; number of quadrupoles after optic device QB_DontDraw = 0 QA_DontDraw = 0 ZmQ = 0 ; Z - Q = charge state settings Calibration file = GSI\ [D3_slits] SlitsShape = 0 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse ApertureShape = 1 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse X_action = 0,0,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 X_size = 1,-100.00,-100.0,100.00,100.0 ; joint,Left,L-limit,Right,R-limit Y_action = 0,0,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 Y_size = 1,-100.00,-100.0,100.00,100.0 ; joint,Bottom,B-limit,Top,T-limit [D3_optics] row1 = -9.34420e-01,+3.85530e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,-3.59095e+01 row2 = -2.06520e-01,-2.18120e-01,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,-7.65410e+00 row3 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,-2.43201e+00,+3.72444e+00,+0.00000e+00,+4.04400e-05 row4 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.74830e-01,-6.78920e-01,+0.00000e+00,-1.36100e-06 row5 = +1.67430e-01,-3.38040e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+1.02280e+01 row6 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00 [D3_AngAcceptance] X-Use = 1 ; Use 1/0 X-Value = 16 mrad ; acceptance Y-Use = 1 ; Use 1/0 Y-Value = 14 mrad ; acceptance Shape = 1 ; 0 - rectangle, 1- ellipse [D3_DipoleSettings] Brho = 7.19414 Tm ; magnetic rigidity Angle = -30 degrees Radius = 11.25 m [D3_DipoleTransport] Code4_N = 0 ; default 0. code 4. n Code4_B = 0 ; default 0. code 4. b Calculate2Order = 1 ; Use 1/0 GapVert = 0 cm ; code 16.5 K1 = 0.7 ; code 16.7 K2 = 4.4 ; code 16.8 EntranceCurvature = 0 1/m ; 1/R1 - code 16.12 ExitCurvature = 0 1/m ; 1/R2 - code 16.13 Beta1angle = 0 deg ; code 2.0 - entrance Beta2angle = 0 deg ; code 2.0 - exit UseFringeField = 1 ; Entrance Use 1/0 UseExitFringeF = 1 ; Exit Use 1/0 {============================= BLOCK M3 - Material ======================================} [M3_General] Name = CG31,1 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 0 ; Use 1/0 Length = 0.000000 m ; Length block for optical blocks [M3_Compound] contents1 = 0,26,1,55.847 ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass thickness = 1,256,7.866,0,0,0 ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas,.. Defect = 0,0.5 ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree, [1]=value; MixMolarMass = 400.00 Use for Q-states = 1 ; Use 1/0 ResolutionE = 0,1 ; [0] choice - % or MeV, [1]=value; Resolution2 = 0.5,0.5,0.5 ns,mm,mm ; Time&X&Y space [M3_BlockCalibration] TOF = 1,1,0,ns ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension dE = 1,1,0,MeV ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension X = 1,1,0,mm ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension Y = 1,1,0,mm ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension [M3_ProdTarget] ProdTarget = 0 ; 1 - Yes / 0 - No {============================= BLOCK S3 - Drift ======================================} [S3_General] Name = S3-slit,1 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 1 ; Use 1/0 Length = 0.000000 m ; Length block for optical blocks SE_method = 0 ; 0: S-block, 1: E-block SecondOrder = 0 ; Exist - 1, Non - 0 ThirdOrder = 0 ; Number of lines COSY file = NULL CalculateAuto = 1 ; 0/1/2 nothing, keep_matrix, keep_field RemotePermission = 1 ; 0/1 - no/yes [S3_slits] SlitsShape = 0 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse ApertureShape = 1 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse X_action = 1,1,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 X_size = 1,-100.00,-100.0,100.00,100.0 ; joint,Left,L-limit,Right,R-limit Y_action = 0,0,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 Y_size = 1,-100.00,-100.0,100.00,100.0 ; joint,Bottom,B-limit,Top,T-limit [S3_optics] row1 = +1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e-05 row2 = +0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row3 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e-05 row4 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row5 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row6 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00 [S3_AngAcceptance] X-Use = 0 ; Use 1/0 X-Value = 1000 mrad ; acceptance Y-Use = 0 ; Use 1/0 Y-Value = 1000 mrad ; acceptance Shape = 1 ; 0 - rectangle, 1- ellipse [S3_DriftSettings] Mode = 0 ; 4-finger, E-Quad 3, M-Quad 2, Stand 1, Beamline 0 ShowLength = 0 ; I 3 / B 2 / Brho 1 / Length 0 Length_effective = 0 m Leff_coef = 0.7 1 Leff_mode = 0 ; file-3, calc-2, manually-1, keep-0 MagneticField = 5 KG Radius = 5 cm ; half-aperture Include 2nd order = 0 ; 1 - Yes / 0 - No CorrespondBrho = 0 Tm ; refBrho CorrespondErho = 0e+0 J/c ; for e-quad refErho Voltage = 0 kV ; for e-quad sextMagnField = 0 KG sextRad = 5 cm ; half-aperture Calibration file = NULL {============================= BLOCK D4 - Dipole ======================================} [D4_General] Name = D5,1 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 1 ; Use 1/0 Length = 35.000000 m ; Length block for optical blocks SE_method = 0 ; 0: S-block, 1: E-block SecondOrder = 0 ; Exist - 1, Non - 0 ThirdOrder = 0 ; Number of lines COSY file = NULL CalculateAuto = 1 ; 0/1/2 nothing, keep_matrix, keep_field RemotePermission = 0 ; 0/1 - no/yes Before_Quad = 4 ; number of quadrupoles before optic device After_Quad = 2 ; number of quadrupoles after optic device QB_DontDraw = 0 QA_DontDraw = 0 ZmQ = 0 ; Z - Q = charge state settings Calibration file = GSI\ [D4_slits] SlitsShape = 0 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse ApertureShape = 1 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse X_action = 0,0,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 X_size = 1,-100.00,-100.0,100.00,100.0 ; joint,Left,L-limit,Right,R-limit Y_action = 0,0,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 Y_size = 1,-100.00,-100.0,100.00,100.0 ; joint,Bottom,B-limit,Top,T-limit [D4_optics] row1 = -3.78580e-01,-6.69296e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+5.30485e+01 row2 = +4.31080e-02,-1.87941e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.10426e+01 row3 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,-4.25414e+00,-2.77327e+01,+0.00000e+00,+1.14315e-04 row4 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+7.49758e-01,+4.65260e+00,+0.00000e+00,-2.54651e-05 row5 = +1.69950e-01,+2.11273e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,-5.28323e-01 row6 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00 [D4_AngAcceptance] X-Use = 1 ; Use 1/0 X-Value = 26 mrad ; acceptance Y-Use = 1 ; Use 1/0 Y-Value = 3 mrad ; acceptance Shape = 1 ; 0 - rectangle, 1- ellipse [D4_DipoleSettings] Brho = 7.19414 Tm ; magnetic rigidity Angle = 30 degrees Radius = 11.25 m [D4_DipoleTransport] Code4_N = 0 ; default 0. code 4. n Code4_B = 0 ; default 0. code 4. b Calculate2Order = 1 ; Use 1/0 GapVert = 0 cm ; code 16.5 K1 = 0.7 ; code 16.7 K2 = 4.4 ; code 16.8 EntranceCurvature = 0 1/m ; 1/R1 - code 16.12 ExitCurvature = 0 1/m ; 1/R2 - code 16.13 Beta1angle = 0 deg ; code 2.0 - entrance Beta2angle = 0 deg ; code 2.0 - exit UseFringeField = 1 ; Entrance Use 1/0 UseExitFringeF = 1 ; Exit Use 1/0 {============================= BLOCK M4 - Material ======================================} [M4_General] Name = CG61,1 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 1 ; Use 1/0 Length = 0.000000 m ; Length block for optical blocks [M4_Compound] contents1 = 0,26,1,55.847 ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass thickness = 1,0,7.866,0,0,0 ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas,.. Defect = 0,0.5 ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree, [1]=value; Use for Q-states = 1 ; Use 1/0 ResolutionE = 0,1 ; [0] choice - % or MeV, [1]=value; Resolution2 = 0.5,0.5,0.5 ns,mm,mm ; Time&X&Y space [M4_BlockCalibration] TOF = 1,1,0,ns ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension dE = 1,1,0,MeV ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension X = 1,1,0,mm ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension Y = 1,1,0,mm ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension [M4_ProdTarget] ProdTarget = 0 ; 1 - Yes / 0 - No {============================= BLOCK A2 - FaradayCup ======================================} [A2_General] Name = FaradayCup 2,0 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 0 ; Use 1/0 Length = 0.000000 m ; Length block for optical blocks [A2_Compound] contents1 = 0,74,1,183.85 ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass thickness = 0,10000000000,19.35,0,0,0 ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas,.. Defect = 1,0 ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree, [1]=value; MixMolarMass = 0.56 Use for Q-states = 1 ; Use 1/0 ResolutionE = 0,0.5 ; [0] choice - % or MeV, [1]=value; Resolution2 = 0.1,0.3,0.3 ns,mm,mm ; Time&X&Y space [A2_BlockCalibration] TOF = 1,1,0,ns ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension dE = 1,1,0,MeV ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension X = 1,1,0,mm ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension Y = 1,1,0,mm ; Input PV(0) or CH(1), A, B, dimension {============================= BLOCK S4 - Drift ======================================} [S4_General] Name = ESR-slit,1 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 1 ; Use 1/0 Length = 0.000000 m ; Length block for optical blocks SE_method = 0 ; 0: S-block, 1: E-block SecondOrder = 0 ; Exist - 1, Non - 0 ThirdOrder = 0 ; Number of lines COSY file = NULL CalculateAuto = 1 ; 0/1/2 nothing, keep_matrix, keep_field RemotePermission = 1 ; 0/1 - no/yes [S4_slits] SlitsShape = 0 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse ApertureShape = 1 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse X_action = 1,1,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 X_size = 1,-1.50,-100.0,1.50,100.0 ; joint,Left,L-limit,Right,R-limit Y_action = 1,1,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 Y_size = 1,-2.00,-100.0,2.00,100.0 ; joint,Bottom,B-limit,Top,T-limit [S4_optics] row1 = +1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e-10 row2 = +0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row3 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e-10 row4 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row5 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row6 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00 [S4_AngAcceptance] X-Use = 1 ; Use 1/0 X-Value = 5 mrad ; acceptance Y-Use = 1 ; Use 1/0 Y-Value = 3 mrad ; acceptance Shape = 1 ; 0 - rectangle, 1- ellipse [S4_DriftSettings] Mode = 0 ; 4-finger, E-Quad 3, M-Quad 2, Stand 1, Beamline 0 ShowLength = 0 ; I 3 / B 2 / Brho 1 / Length 0 Length_effective = 0 m Leff_coef = 0.7 1 Leff_mode = 0 ; file-3, calc-2, manually-1, keep-0 MagneticField = 5 KG Radius = 5 cm ; half-aperture Include 2nd order = 0 ; 1 - Yes / 0 - No CorrespondBrho = 0 Tm ; refBrho CorrespondErho = 0e+0 J/c ; for e-quad refErho Voltage = 0 kV ; for e-quad sextMagnField = 0 KG sextRad = 5 cm ; half-aperture Calibration file = NULL {============================= BLOCK D5 - Dipole ======================================} [D5_General] Name = ESR-Brho-slit,1 ; Name of Block, Constant name 1/0 Available = 1 ; Use 1/0 Length = 80.000000 m ; Length block for optical blocks SE_method = 0 ; 0: S-block, 1: E-block SecondOrder = 0 ; Exist - 1, Non - 0 ThirdOrder = 0 ; Number of lines COSY file = NULL CalculateAuto = 1 ; 0/1/2 nothing, keep_matrix, keep_field RemotePermission = 0 ; 0/1 - no/yes Before_Quad = 0 ; number of quadrupoles before optic device After_Quad = 0 ; number of quadrupoles after optic device QB_DontDraw = 0 QA_DontDraw = 0 ZmQ = 0 ; Z - Q = charge state settings Calibration file = NULL [D5_slits] SlitsShape = 0 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse ApertureShape = 1 ; 0-slits, 1-ellipse X_action = 1,1,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 X_size = 1,-10.00,-100.0,10.00,100.0 ; joint,Left,L-limit,Right,R-limit Y_action = 0,0,0 ; Use 1/0, Show 1/0, UseApp 1/0 Y_size = 1,-2.00,-10.0,2.00,10.0 ; joint,Bottom,B-limit,Top,T-limit [D5_optics] row1 = +1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+5.00000e+01 row2 = +0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row3 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e-10 row4 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row5 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00 row6 = +0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+0.00000e+00,+1.00000e+00 [D5_AngAcceptance] X-Use = 1 ; Use 1/0 X-Value = 5 mrad ; acceptance Y-Use = 1 ; Use 1/0 Y-Value = 3 mrad ; acceptance Shape = 1 ; 0 - rectangle, 1- ellipse [D5_DipoleSettings] Brho = 7.19414 Tm ; magnetic rigidity Angle = 360 degrees Radius = 10 m [D5_DipoleTransport] Code4_N = 0 ; default 0. code 4. n Code4_B = 0 ; default 0. code 4. b Calculate2Order = 1 ; Use 1/0 GapVert = 0 cm ; code 16.5 K1 = 0.7 ; code 16.7 K2 = 4.4 ; code 16.8 EntranceCurvature = 0 1/m ; 1/R1 - code 16.12 ExitCurvature = 0 1/m ; 1/R2 - code 16.13 Beta1angle = 0 deg ; code 2.0 - entrance Beta2angle = 0 deg ; code 2.0 - exit UseFringeField = 1 ; Entrance Use 1/0 UseExitFringeF = 1 ; Exit Use 1/0 {============================= Calculations ======================================} [Calculations] 120I 53+ 53+ 53+ 53+ 53+ =1.0508e+04,1.0508e+04,0,1.0508e+04,4.8776e+01,7.1471e+01,4.2764e-04,4.1329e+02,1.6276e+00,6.1322e-01,1,1,1,1,6.5809e-01,9.3181e-01,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,9.6152e-01,1,1,9.6158e-01,1,1,1,1,1,1,9.7967e-01,1,1,9.7969e-01,1,9.0354e-01,1,1,1,1,9.6062e-01,9.4058e-01,1,7.9420e-01,7.9420e-01,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,7.9709e-01,1,1,1,7.9709e-01,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,9.7841e-03,9.6169e-02,1.4887e-01,7.8570e-01,8.6981e-01,1.3228e-01,1.3866e-01,1,9.7477e-01,9.7871e-01 118Te 52+ 52+ 52+ 52+ 52+ =1.6777e+05,1.6777e+05,0,1.6777e+05,2.8823e+01,4.2234e+01,1.1554e-02,4.1453e+02,2.2867e+00,6.2013e-01,1,1,1,1,6.5918e-01,9.4076e-01,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,9.5494e-01,1,1,9.5516e-01,1,1,1,1,1,1,9.7846e-01,1,1,9.7850e-01,1,9.1057e-01,1,1,1,1,9.6094e-01,9.4758e-01,1,9.2808e-01,9.2808e-01,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,7.8558e-01,1,1,1,7.8558e-01,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,6.3088e-02,6.2951e-01,1.4584e-01,7.9358e-01,8.6591e-01,4.7610e-01,4.9782e-01,1,9.7805e-01,9.7782e-01 116Sb 51+ 51+ 51+ 51+ 51+ =4.1362e+03,4.1362e+03,0,4.1362e+03,1.5501e+01,2.2713e+01,5.2967e-04,4.1577e+02,3.0152e+00,6.2591e-01,1,1,1,1,6.6028e-01,9.4794e-01,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,9.4851e-01,1,1,9.4904e-01,1,9.9812e-01,9.9812e-01,1,1,1,9.7155e-01,9.9480e-01,1,9.7670e-01,1,9.1687e-01,1,1,1,1,9.6127e-01,9.5382e-01,1,6.4886e-01,6.4886e-01,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,7.6984e-01,1,1,1,7.6984e-01,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,6.9215e-03,7.2775e-02,1.4310e-01,7.7313e-01,8.5964e-01,2.9023e-01,3.0582e-01,1,9.7197e-01,9.7639e-01 111In 48+ 48+ 48+ 48+ 48+ =3.8932e-04,3.8932e-04,0,3.8932e-04,7.8965e+00,1.1571e+01,9.7865e-11,4.1747e+02,4.4984e+00,2.6232e-02,1,1,1,1,6.6302e-01,3.9565e-02,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,9.3072e-01,1,1,9.3306e-01,9.9749e-01,1.4110e-01,1.4110e-01,1,1,1,3.6088e-01,3.7097e-01,1,9.7297e-01,1,3.5348e-02,1,1,1,1,9.6212e-01,3.6740e-02,1,1.8042e-02,1.8042e-02,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,7.3658e-01,1,1,1,7.3658e-01,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,9.4363e-03,1.0885e-01,1.3715e-01,7.4566e-01,8.4771e-01,1.7759e-02,1.8718e-02,1,9.7440e-01,9.7366e-01