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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 22     Entry time: Wed Sep 25 13:03:46 2019
Author: Laszlo 
Category: Analysis 
Subject: simulations on 118Te+p 
I have made some simulations at 8AMeV, 7AMeV and 4AMeV energies for the main 118Te + p reaction channels. For the
Rutherford simulations credits to Yuanming! For each energy there are 3 simulations: without the scraper, with the
scraper (online), scraper (online) + E-truncation (offline). The scraper is treated as an "ideal scraper" meaning
that there is no scattering at the edges (maybe worth a GEANT4?). The slit position is at -3cm from the beam, the vertical
length is 7cm (centralized). The following channels are combined in the

  pg channel, 5cascade model. Photon emission is treated isotropically
  pn channel, including: -->gs, -->1-->gs, -->2-->gs, -->3-->gs, -->3-->1-->gs, -->4-->1-->gs, -->5-->3-->gs,
-->5-->3-->1-->gs, -->5-->4-->1-->gs decay chains with their weights. Neutron and photon emission is treated isotropically.

  pg channel, 4cascade model. Photon emission is treated isotropically

  pg channel, 3cascade model. Photon emission is treated isotropically

The detector position is -2.5cm from the beam in the radial direction and centered vertically with a 45° tilt. 
The cross section values for pg and pn, the pn channel mixing, and the pg cascade number is based on TALYS simulations.
The other two input parameters are the luminosity and the measurement time. For the simulation, a little
pessimistic (or realistic?) scenario is taken: L = 10^24 cm-2s-1, and t = 10^4 s. From this values, from the N=CS*L*t
equation, the pg counts (based on the TALYS
cross sections) are the following: 8AMeV ~267, 7AMeV ~163, 4AMeV ~5! This means that to reach the Gamow-window
energies is challenging, but with a well-working scraper it is not impossible to reach.

As it is visible, the 8AMeV 118Te(p,g) case is very similar to the 7AMeV 124Xe case. The p,n threshold is
somewhere ~7.5MeV.
Attachment 1: 118Te_cs_energy_line_.png  65 kB  Uploaded Wed Sep 25 14:35:19 2019  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: 8AMeV_combined.png  40 kB  Uploaded Wed Sep 25 14:35:25 2019  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 3: 8AMeV_combined_spectrum_withoutTruncation.root  5.029 MB  Uploaded Wed Sep 25 14:41:42 2019
Attachment 4: 8AMeV_combined_spectrum_Truncation.root  4.372 MB  Uploaded Wed Sep 25 14:41:52 2019
Attachment 5: 8AMeV_combined_spectrum_ETruncation.root  663 kB  Uploaded Wed Sep 25 14:42:00 2019
Attachment 6: 7AMeV_combined_spectrum_withoutTruncation.root  4.259 MB  Uploaded Wed Sep 25 14:42:15 2019
Attachment 7: 7AMeV_combined_spectrum_Truncation.root  3.587 MB  Uploaded Wed Sep 25 14:42:24 2019
Attachment 8: 7AMeV_combined_spectrum_ETruncation.root  141 kB  Uploaded Wed Sep 25 14:42:32 2019
Attachment 9: 4AMeV_combined_spectrum_withoutTruncation.root  2.678 MB  Uploaded Wed Sep 25 14:42:40 2019
Attachment 10: 4AMeV_combined_spectrum_Truncation.root  2.240 MB  Uploaded Wed Sep 25 14:42:58 2019
Attachment 11: 4AMeV_combined_spectrum_ETruncation.root  116 kB  Uploaded Wed Sep 25 14:43:03 2019
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