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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 270     Entry time: Sun Apr 5 20:34:42 2020
Author: Laszlo 
Category: Calibration 
Subject: Xray energies - 1. calibration 
30angle:  E[keV] = 0.0158507 *ch-2.07456
90angle:  E[keV] = 0.01950*ch-2.76
145angle: E[keV] = 0.017988  *ch-1.809

I could identify 2 peaks in the 241Am spectra and 4 peaks in the 133Ba. These peaks are fitted with a gaussian to get their position --> linear energy calibration for the combined (Am+Ba) data sets for each detector. The function I used: E(ch) [keV] = m*ch+b
Attachment 1: 90angle_Xray_first_calibration.png  52 kB  Uploaded Sun Apr 5 21:34:55 2020  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: 30angle_Xray_first_calibration.png  53 kB  Uploaded Sun Apr 5 21:34:59 2020  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 3: 145angle_Xray_first_calibration.png  51 kB  Uploaded Sun Apr 5 21:35:02 2020  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 4: 90_det_calib_Am_Ba.cal  462 Bytes  Uploaded Sun Apr 5 21:35:11 2020  | Hide | Hide all
#gaus fit, gaus fit error, literature (nndc), literature error
#literature used:
#where there is no error given, I put +/-.5 to the last digit
1493.31 0.26 26.3446 0.0002
3194.81 0.053 59.5409 0.0001
1721.92 0.0574 30.973 0.0005
1937.28 0.163 34.987 0.0005
2864.67 0.443 53.1622 0.0006
4292.25 0.122 80.9979 0.0011

Attachment 5: 30_det_calib_Am_Ba.cal  522 Bytes  Uploaded Sun Apr 5 21:35:19 2020  | Hide | Hide all
#gaus fit, gaus fit error, literature (nndc), literature error
#literature used:
#where there is no error given, I put +/-.5 to the last digit
1.79319e+03 3.88460e-01 26.3446 0.0002
3.88726e+03 1.00448e-01 59.5409 0.0001
2.08381e+03 5.25334e-02 30.973 0.0005
2.33719e+03 3.17859e-02 34.987 0.0005
3.48482e+03 1.03952e-01 53.1622 0.0006
5.24059e+03 2.54968e-02 80.9979 0.0011

Attachment 6: 145_det_calib_Am_Ba.cal  522 Bytes  Uploaded Sun Apr 5 21:35:26 2020  | Hide | Hide all
#gaus fit, gaus fit error, literature (nndc), literature error
#literature used:
#where there is no error given, I put +/-.5 to the last digit
1.56549e+03 1.83848e-01 26.3446 0.0002
3.41036e+03 4.20525e-02 59.5409 0.0001
1.81904e+03 3.15736e-02 30.973 0.0005
2.04758e+03 8.68290e-02 34.987 0.0005
3.06014e+03 1.98896e-01 53.1622 0.0006
4.61345e+03 5.23412e-02 80.9979 0.0011

Attachment 7: run041_133Ba_high_90.svg  35 kB  Uploaded Sun Apr 5 21:35:40 2020  | Hide | Hide all
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Attachment 8: run040_241Am_90.svg  33 kB  Uploaded Sun Apr 5 21:38:12 2020  | Hide | Hide all
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