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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 274     Entry time: Wed Apr 8 23:02:24 2020
Author: Laszlo 
Category: General 
Subject: lmd to measurement pairing list 
I use the following list of lmd files combined to a single root file for each measurement.
It is very important to highlight that sometimes the trigger==1 data got corrupted,massive number of trigger==2 like events appear on the detector as trigger==1 signal, because the gas jet target didn't switch off after its normal phase (gas jet remains ON during injection. Maybe some gas jet issue, maybe some bug in the pattern :/ ). To correct for this, one has to cut out these parts from the data. I did these cut outs by hand while looking at the event number vs I_ESR & density gas jet plot (see below). Probably this can be done also in a more automatized way, but I think this is not necessary. In the "124Xe with Scraper" data set it is only 1 time like this, in the 118Te data set 3 times. The other data sets seem fine to me.

-124Xe with scraper:
run090_0001.lmd run091_0001.lmd run092_0001.lmd run094_0001.lmd run095_0001.lmd run096_0001.lmd run098_0001.lmd run099_0001.lmd
if(!(i>1634880 && i<1652240)){do analysis} - (this if condition is valid only if one combines the lmd in numerical order)
(2. Xray calibration parameters)

-124Xe without scraper:

run100_0001.lmd run101_0001.lmd run102_0001.lmd run104_0001.lmd
if(true){do analysis}
(2. Xray calibration parameters)

-118Te with scraper:
run051_0001.lmd run053_0001.lmd run055_0001.lmd run057_0001.lmd run059_0001.lmd run064_0001.lmd run066_0001.lmd
run052_0001.lmd run054_0001.lmd run056_0001.lmd run058_0001.lmd run060_0001.lmd run065_0001.lmd run067_0001.lmd
Changing Xray cables!
run068_0001.lmd run070_0001.lmd run072_0001.lmd run074_0001.lmd run076_0001.lmd run078_0001.lmd run080_0001.lmd run082_0001.lmd run084_0001.lmd run086_0001.lmd
run069_0001.lmd run071_0001.lmd run073_0001.lmd run075_0001.lmd run077_0001.lmd run079_0001.lmd run081_0001.lmd run083_0001.lmd run085_0001.lmd run087_0001.lmd

For Xray analysis:
1. dataset:
Xray[2] = 90 degree Xray[1]=145degree. The timing is switched:
if(!(i>1801830 && i<1807810) && !(i>2348370 && i<2355110)){
if(t_Xray[2]>0) Xray[1] ->Fill();
if(t_Xray[1]>0) Xray[2] ->Fill();
(1. Xray calibration parameters --> invalid!)
2. dataset:
if(!(i>5488450-2507171 && i<6125720-2507171)){do analysis}
(2. Xray calibration parameters)

For Si analysis:
if(trigger==1 && !(i>1801830 && i<1807810) && !(i>2348370 && i<2355110) && !(i>5488450 && i<6125720) ){do analysis}
(1. Xray calibration parameters)

-124Xe with scraper - low rate measurement
run046_0001.lmd run047_0001.lmd run047_0003.lmd run048_0002.lmd run049_0002.lmd run050_0001.lmd
run046_0002.lmd run047_0002.lmd run048_0001.lmd run049_0001.lmd run049_0003.lmd run050_0002.lmd
if(true){do analysis}
(1. Xray calibration parameters --> invalid!)

Regarding the gain matching, I assumed that the same 2*16 factors can be used for all data sets, since we didn't change bias voltage (the current remained roughly also the same) and also the detector didn't get any serious radiation damage (this needs to be confirmed!).
A more detailed anaylsis will come on the gain matching after the Easter holiday.

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