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Entry  Wed Apr 29 16:06:28 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, efficiency fit - 90degree, combined dataset,  efficiency_90degree-1an2datasets_phen_lin.pngefficiency_90degree-1an2datasets_phen_lin_bigRange.png
    Reply  Thu Apr 30 17:40:57 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, efficiency fits,  90degree_efficiency.zip145degree_efficiency.zip35degree_efficiency.zip
       Reply  Thu Apr 30 22:55:45 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, inverse square law test,  inverse_square_law.zip
          Reply  Wed May 6 23:02:42 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, efficiency values,  90degree_efficiency_combined.png90degree_efficiency_combined.ps
Message ID: 278     Entry time: Wed Apr 29 16:06:28 2020     Reply to this: 279
Author: Laszlo 
Category: Calibration 
Subject: efficiency fit - 90degree, combined dataset 
For the efficiency vs E fit of the 90degree Xray detector I have used the following phenomenological funciton:

f(x) = a * (1-exp(-(x-c)/b)) * exp(-x/d)

Here the first exponent member is a saturation curve. This part describes the passing through of the two Be windows (chamber + before detector) and through the dead layer of Ge crystal. One needs a minimum energy to enter to the detecting Ge crystal = C parameter. b parameter = characteristic absorbtion E of these nondetecting layers.
The second exponent is an exponential decrease of the detector efficiency. Photons with higher energy are less detectable by the germaniums. The d parameter is the characteristic E for hard Xray and gamma (>40keV) detectability. 


//Jan's comment: the tail of this function should more or less follow a linear trend a bit above than 40 keV.

In the attachment there is an example fit for 90 degree with combined 1. and 2. (before and after beamtime) calibration datasets. 
I made the fit with gnuplot:

degrees of freedom    (FIT_NDF)                        : 8
rms of residuals      (FIT_STDFIT) = sqrt(WSSR/ndf)    : 0.419915
variance of residuals (reduced chisquare) = WSSR/ndf   : 0.176329
p-value of the Chisq distribution (FIT_P)              : 0.994094

Final set of parameters            Asymptotic Standard Error
=======================            ==========================
a               = 0.00308376       +/- 0.0005144    (16.68%)
c               = 15.6259          +/- 2.035        (13.03%)
b               = 9.36888          +/- 3.16         (33.73%)
d               = 177.141          +/- 84.95        (47.95%)

Laszlo's out.
Attachment 1: efficiency_90degree-1an2datasets_phen_lin.png  72 kB  Uploaded Wed Apr 29 17:21:52 2020  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: efficiency_90degree-1an2datasets_phen_lin_bigRange.png  51 kB  Uploaded Wed Apr 29 17:22:00 2020  | Hide | Hide all
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