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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 283     Entry time: Fri Jun 5 14:06:15 2020
Author: Laszlo 
Category: Detectors 
Subject: DSSSD and SCRAPER position estimate for Xe and Te experiments 
Year: 2020 
We don't know the exact absolute positions of the detector (+scraper) and the beam. However, what we have to know is only these two relative positions respect to each other. To get this distance I use two methods:
1, combining the infos from the set position during the beamtime + the measured pg peak position on the detector. The pg peak position is defined only by the eye (because of the low number of counts in every case, it doesnt make much sense to make fits). Since we rely on the detector resolution, we would be never more accurate than ~ +/-1.5mm anyhow. The active area of the detector is 49.5x49.5mm2 with a 45° tilt in y.
2, MOCADI simulation of the beam and the pg peak. This is used only as a crosscheck.
3, The scraper had a small angle in y direction causing ~0.5cm shift to the upper direction. the length of the scraping edge is 7cm

-124Xe with scraper measurement:
  • measurement
    d1 = moved back from beam = 15 +/-.5 mm
    d2 = DSSSD frame width = 8.85 mm
    d3 = pg center on DSSSD = 7-7.5 bin = 21.7-23.2 mm = avg = 22.5 mm

    --> pg from beam in x = -46.4mm +/- 1.5mm
    --> pg on DSSSD from center ~ -3.28mm +/- 1.5mm

  • simulation
    x = -46.5 mm
    y = 0 mm

  • detector active area position
    x = (-73.35mm) - (-23.85mm)
    y = (-14.2195mm) - 23.5125mm

  • SCRAPING: x=-35mm +/-0.5mm away from beam
    y=(-20mm) - (40mm)

  • measurement
    d1 = moved back from beam = 16 +/-.5 mm
    d2 = DSSSD frame width = 8.85 mm
    d3 = pg center on DSSSD = 7.5 bin = 23.2 mm

    --> pg from beam in x = -48.05mm +/- 1.5mm
    --> pg on DSSSD from center ~ -3.28mm +/- 1.5mm

  • simulation
    x = -48 mm
    y = 0 mm

  • detector active area position
    x = (-74.35mm) - (-24.85mm)
    y = (-14.2195mm) - 23.5125mm

    x=-35mm +/-0.5mm away from beam
    y=(-20mm) - (40mm)

notes during beam-time:
Attachment 1: SP54120060514100.pdf  40 kB  Uploaded Fri Jun 5 15:06:56 2020  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: DSSSD_new1.pdf  121 kB  Uploaded Fri Jun 5 15:07:42 2020  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 3: IMG_20200321_025644.jpg  5.534 MB  Uploaded Mon Jun 8 11:23:44 2020  | Hide | Hide all
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