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Entry  Fri Oct 23 12:58:12 2020, Jan, Detectors, Test of 2nd DSSSD (gen2), 2021 Si2_run001.jpgSi2_run002.jpg
    Reply  Fri Nov 20 15:53:37 2020, Jan, Analysis, Test of 2nd DSSSD (gen2), 2021 quick_si_plots.ce127.hSi2_run001.ana.rootSi2_run002.ana.root
Message ID: 285     Entry time: Fri Nov 20 15:53:37 2020     In reply to: 284
Author: Jan 
Category: Analysis 
Subject: Test of 2nd DSSSD (gen2) 
Year: 2021 
Here is the analysis of the test runs with the 2nd DSSD (gen2) using the quick_si_plots.c script attached.

All 32 Si channels are working with acceptable performance. 

In run001, there are some additional low energy peaks in nearly all x-strips, which I do not understand yet. They are around 3 MeV and are not visible in the y-strips. It doesn't look like an electronic problem, because there are at least 4 
peaks, so not a low amplitude copy of the 3 major alpha peaks between 5 - 5.8 MeV.

However, in run002, the peaks have mostly disappeared, only in x6,x7,x8,x9 is a broad structure at somewhat similar energy... maybe this has to do with the small incident angle of the alphas?

Another run to confirm and double check this would be nice.
Attachment 1: quick_si_plots.c  4 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: e127.h  15 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: Si2_run001.ana.root  21.663 MB
Attachment 4: Si2_run002.ana.root  11.146 MB
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