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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 286     Entry time: Tue Nov 24 15:35:49 2020
Author: Jan 
Category: Calibration 
Subject: DSSD X/Y channel mapping 
Year: 2021 
During the detector test test measurements with alpha source the allocation of the 16 X- and 16 Y-channels has been checked.

For the following final allocation, it is always assumed that the (horizontal) y-strips are placed to face the beam directly, while the (vertical) x-strips are on the backside.

Now, all cables from the preamp to the ADC/TDCs are either labeled BLACK (= X-strips, pos. signals) or labeled RED (= Y-strips, neg. signals). These red or black connections should be kept consistently in order to ensure a well known orientation of the DSSD during the experiment. The test run Si2_run006.lmd was taken with this final assignment and serves as reference.

BLACK LABEL > X1 to X16 > pos. MSCF > ADC/TDC ch 0-15 > 50 Ohm resistor at preamps HV-input
RED LABEL > Y1 to Y16 > neg. MSCF > ADC/TDC ch 16-31 > neg. bias voltage at preamps HV-input

Additionally, the RED label indicates the section on the preamp to which negative bias voltage should be applied.
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b