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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 305     Entry time: Mon May 3 14:55:44 2021
Author: Jan Glorius 
Category: Calibration 
Subject: Xray energy calib. table 
Year: 2021 
Here is the table of energy calibration lines from Am241 for all Xray detectors for several measurements.
Also the linear fit parameters [ E(ch) = A*ch + B ] are given at the bottom of the table.

E [keV] xray90 (GEM1800) xray35 (GLP) xray145 (GEM3000)
lab (28.04.21) lab (04.05.21) lab (11.05.21)
59.54 2402.45 ch 2399.07 ch 2423.24 ch
26.34 1107.38 ch 1116.65 ch 1127.94 ch
13.95 624.33 ch 638.38 ch 645.39 ch
slope A 0.0256387 keV/ch 0.0258923 keV/ch 0.0256408 keV/ch
offset B -2.05477 keV -2.57638 keV -2.59114 keV
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b