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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 351     Entry time: Wed May 19 13:47:26 2021
Author: Jan Glorius 
Category: General 
Subject: GasTarget Operation 
Year: 2021 
We have two tasks to take over for the target operation:

1. We have to refill the blue LN2 bottle on the roof of ESR every morning (see 1st attached foto)
For this we use the small silver dewar on the floor there. In case this dewar is empty we have to refill it in the yard.
No need to stop the measurement for this.

2. We have to monitor the LN2-level warning on Ulis web page: http://ulpc24.gsi.de/mediawiki/index.php
In case there is a warning (~12h remaining), we have to refill the big dewar at the target in ESR.
This means we need ESR on TSG with the gate open.

In case the nozzle is clogging and we do not reach reasonable densities anymore and E1 pressure is going down, we have to heat up the nozzle manually.
This can be done at the control panel on the roof of ESR (see 2nd attached foto).
The proceedure is:
1. push "set point"
2. type new value in Kelvin (e.g. 100K for start of heating)
3. press "enter" to apply or "escape" to correct typo
4. monitor E1 pressure (should go up)

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