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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 38     Entry time: Tue Mar 10 09:41:26 2020
Author: Jan 
Category: Detectors 
Subject: x-ray background from BaF 
The BaF2 detectors planned to be installed at the target induce an additional background in the x-ray detectors sitting below inside the target chamber. 
We made test measurements with an x-ray detector for estimating the background in the region of interest for our K-REC measurements (35 to 50 keV).

For the interval [35-50 keV]:
Normal background level: 0.065 (s*keV)^-1
BaF2 in 5cm distance:    0.078 (s*keV)^-1
This is an increase by about 22%

Assuming an increase by 100% induced by 6 BaF2 in the vincinity of the Ge-detectors this seems acceptable.

However additional BaF-induced peaks are also visible at ~30 keV and ~60 keV. While these are not in the region of interest for the K-REC, we need to be aware of them!

spectra are available on the Frankfurt exp-astro Server at /home/glorius/e127/
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b