E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 39     Entry time: Wed Mar 11 09:08:21 2020
Author: Jan 
Category: DAQ 
Subject: DAQ & controls - OVERVIEW 
For all DAQ & slow control buissines the user
is used with the password ViValasVegas1964

Here is a list of computers and devices we use for the current DAQ:
  • r4l-58 - VME cpu (RIO)
    our DAQ runs on this computer
    access from lxg1275 via ssh litv-exp@r4l-58
    the current DAQ directory is /esr/usr/litv-exp/2020_e127/r4l-58
    from lxg-machines the DAQ dir can also be accessed via the mount point at /lynx/Lynx/esr/usr/litv-exp/2020_e127/r4l-58

  • lxg1275 - main DAQ handler
    used for communication with the DAQ and primary data writing/streaming
    access from any lxg via ssh litv-exp@lxg1275
    primary data folder: /data.local3/e127/lmd/
    local backup folder: /data.local2/e127/lmd_backup/

  • lxg1299 - online monitoring
    used for the R3Broot online monitor server
    access from any lxg via ssh litv-exp@lxg1299
    online data: /data.local3/e127/online/

  • atpnu004 - slow control
    used for remote access to SpecAmps (MesyTec Shapers), Si-HV (caen) and picoscopes
    access from any lxg via E127_nuc or ssh litv-exp@atpnuc004
    screen sessions: mesy_ioc (shapers), caen_ioc (Si HV)
    access screens by screen -x mesy_ioc or screen -x caen_ioc (exit with [Ctrl-a d])
    access vnc session for picoscopes on any lxg: E127_vnc or vncviewer atpnuc004:1

  • apraspi001 - slow control 2
    used for remote access to the BaF HV crate
    access from any lxg via ssh litv-exp@apraspi001
    local access to HV control by telnet: telnet 1527

  • lxg0188 - 1st backup node
    used for direct backup of the written data (invoked automatically by stopping a run)
    backup dir: /data.local2/E127_lmd/

  • kronos.hpc.gsi.de - 2nd backup node
    used for secondary backup of lmd-data on lxg0188 (chronjob every 4 hours)
    backup dir: /lustre/ap/litv-exp/2020-03-17_E127_jglorius

List of commands and aliases

  • E127_daq or /data.local1/e127/scripts/E127_start_gui.sh
    this is the GUI to control the DAQ
    available on lxg1275 only with litv-exp user
    only one instance of this GUI can run at the same time!

  • E127_unpack or /u/litv-exp/unpacker/unpackexps/e127/e127
    this is the unpacker for the current DAQ
    available on any lxg with litv-exp user
    to unpack lmd-files to root-file: E127_unpack infile01.lmd infile02.lmd --ntuple=RAW,outfile.root

  • E127_epics or epicsfind; medm -x /u/litv-exp/e127/medm/e127.adl
    this is the GUI for slow control of Si HV and amplifiers (MesyTec Shapers)
    available on any lxg with litv-exp user

  • E127_rates or /u/litv-exp/e127/UDP/build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_4.9.2_debug/udp_reader --trig --rate
    this is the UDP reader for detector and trigger rates
    available on lxg1275 only with litv-exp user

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b