E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 543     Entry time: Sat May 29 13:43:39 2021
Author: Tino, Rene, Yuri, Laszlo, Markus 
Category: Runs 
Subject: change of settings 
Year: 2021 
from now on, everal beam setting will be different. We could not get the beam back to were it was before. When the scraper was pulled back by 2 cm, the loe/energy beam was visible again via cap. 
Schottky. However, no x-rays could be observerved during the target-on phase. 

Hence the interpretation:

beam position has change at least a few mm, at most 2 cm. 

Will now try to get a new overlap with target and need to adjust the detector position too.

All online - Si spectra are cleared.
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b