Below are the results from the e-cooler voltage offset measurments done by Regina Hess et al. using the voltage divider (VD).
--7 MeV--
Sollwert GECEBG1E: 4008.3 V
Measured at VD: 3913 V
Offset: -95.3 V
--6 MeV--
Sollwert GECEBG1E: 3460.5 V
Measured at VD: 3364 V
Offset: -96.5 V
Below are the cooler parameters from ParaModi for our production runs.
--7 MeV/u--
UE: 3842.7V
IE: 50mA
BG1E: 4008.7V
BG1E dU: 120V
--6 MeV/u--
UE: 3290.833V
IE: 50mA
BG1E: 3460.4809V
BG1E dU: 120V
--energy calculation--
as described here
-- uncertainty --
for E108b we agreed on 10%
maybe further discussion is needed |