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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 6     Entry time: Fri Apr 5 06:05:55 2019
Author: Jan 
Category: DAQ 
Subject: making changes to the DAQ  
If you need to add or change a module of the VME crate you need to follow this proceedure:

1. stop DRASI
2. add/change module in esrdaq_2018/r4l-58/main.cfg 
   a. add module name and VME address: CAEN_V830 (0x00A00000) {}
   b. use BARRIER keyword between the modules
3. restart DRASI (e.g. ./pulser.sh)
4. check empty unpacker data output
   > empty --stream=r4l-58 --print --data
   should run without error and now have your new module event data
5. adjust unpacker in ~/e127/unpackexps/esr
   a. make sure you have a .spec file defining readout of you module, e.g. "vme_caen_v775.spec" 
   b. edit main_user_esr.spec
      - add module as e.g. "tdc[0] = VME_CAEN_V775(geom=0x2, crate=0);"
      - select "geom=0x1" value according to ascending order of all modules (0x1, 0x2, 0x3, ...)
   c. edit det_mapping.hh 
      - add SIGNAL() keyword for your module
      - e.g.: SIGNAL( TDC_1, esr.tdc[0].data[0],TDC_32, esr.tdc[0].data[31], DATA12); 
      - choose data format, e.g. "DATA12", as specified in module .spec-file
   d. compile your unpacker: 
      > make -j
   e. try it out:
      > ./esr --stream=r4l-58 --print --data
      - should run without errors 
      > ./esr --stream=r4l-58 --ntuple=RAW,/dir/file.root
      - root-file should have your new branches with your module data
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b