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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 83     Entry time: Fri Mar 20 13:21:33 2020
Author: Jan, Laszlo 
Category: Analysis 
Subject: 124Xe data of first night 
The unpacked data of all runs from the first night (46-50) is located at

By taking a very quick look at the Silicon xy position histo, one can identify (please not the number of counts) clusters of hits. The x=0 and x=1 strips sees the forward scattering Rutherford particles, which remained even after scraping at 3.5cm away from the beam. This idea is supported by the simulations. Backscattered Rutherford components cannot be identified simply because of their low count rate (the exact rate should be double check). The second cluster in the middle of the detector must be our pg peak. For x>=7 strip we see the pn channel. It overlaps with the pg peak both in the position and in the energy. The energy vs Xstrip histo is NOT gainmatched, yet. Hard to make statements, but so far it seem to support the conclusions based on the position histo. The energies seem to corrsepond to the simulation: forward Rutherford, pg at same level; pn is a bit below ( ~.8% energy separation of the centers). The separation in the enregy for the backscattered Rutherford should be in the range of 2%.
Attachment 1: 90_deg.png  10 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 20 15:48:05 2020  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: 35_deg.png  9 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 20 15:48:10 2020  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: 145_deg.png  10 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 20 15:48:14 2020  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 4: image3063.png  113 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 20 17:59:43 2020  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 5: image4019.png  98 kB  Uploaded Fri Mar 20 17:59:50 2020  | Show | Hide all | Show all
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