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  proton-capture on 118Te  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 97     Entry time: Sat Mar 21 02:36:44 2020
Author: Laszlo 
Category: General 
Subject: detector and scraper position 
For the 124Xe primary beam measurement:
-with the DSSSD we scraped the beam at position -40
-position of the detector is set to -25. (1.5cm away from the beam)
-with the scraper (at Eggelhof 1 position) we scraped the beam at ~(-15)-(-13)
-position of the scraper is set to +20 (3.5cm away from beam axis (sollbahn))

For the 118Te fragment measurement:
-with the DSSSD we scraped the beam at position -39
-position of the detector is set to -24 (1.5cm away from the beam)
-with the scraper (at Eggelhof 1 position) we scraped the beam at ~ -14
-position of the scraper is set to +19 (3.5cm away from beam axis (sollbahn))
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