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  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 16 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Wed Feb 6 10:16:09 2019, Laszlo Varga, General, Study on scraping,  1-s2.0-0168583X88900122-main.pdf
Entry  Fri May 21 15:20:54 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Runs, Stop DAQ, 2021 
Entry  Thu Mar 19 09:43:28 2020, Laszlo, General, Status of the ESR,  
Entry  Mon May 24 17:23:41 2021, Pierre-Michel, Enis, General, Status of gas-target cooling, 2021 
Entry  Tue Mar 24 10:59:18 2020, Jan, Calibration, Sources - Specifications,  Pb-210-1.pdf241Am_Uwe.pdf133Ba_low.pdf133Ba_hi.pdf
Entry  Tue Jul 9 15:26:59 2019, Yuanming Xing, Simulations, Simulated Rutherford scattering distribution on detector,  6MeV.png7MeV.png8MeV.png
Entry  Sun Mar 22 17:47:27 2020, Laszlo, , Si, Xrays target density spectra during 118Te afternoon measurement,  End_of_118Te_runs.pngtarget_density_during_118Te_afternoon_runs.png
Entry  Sat May 22 17:13:48 2021, Laszlo, Detectors, Si position changed, 2021 
Entry  Sun Mar 22 19:15:03 2020, Laszlo, , Si moved out of the ring, high voltage is switched off,  
Entry  Fri Feb 21 11:29:02 2020, Laszlo, General, Shift plan,  
Entry  Fri Mar 20 01:22:23 2020, Shahab, Runs, Setting for Gas target,  IMG_20200320_012048.jpg
Entry  Sat May 22 17:15:26 2021, Laszlo, General, Scraper position, 2021 
Entry  Mon Mar 23 11:32:42 2020, Laszlo, General, SIS went down again,  
Entry  Mon Mar 23 09:33:11 2020, Laszlo, General, SIS failure again!,  
Entry  Mon Mar 23 00:13:25 2020, Laszlo, General, SIS and ESR beam currents,  2020-03-23_00-09-48-737.png2020-03-23_00-21-43-581.png
Entry  Sun May 30 00:14:58 2021, Oliver, Diego, General, SIS Pattern changed, 2021 
Entry  Mon Mar 23 03:07:11 2020, Shahab, Runs, SIS Kicker problem,  IMG_20200323_021051.jpg
Entry  Mon Mar 23 05:59:01 2020, Shahab, Runs, SIS Kicker ,  
Entry  Fri May 21 11:55:24 2021, Jan, Detectors, SI MSCF settings v1, 2021 setting_test.1621590878
Entry  Sat Mar 21 15:26:49 2020, Laszlo, General, SCRAPER is ON use again,  
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