E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 16 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subjectdown Year
  4   Wed Feb 6 10:16:09 2019 Laszlo VargaGeneralStudy on scraping 
A publication on scraping systems suggested by Siegbert. 
In the study they have used cylindrical "high-quality" slits. "High-quality" stands for well polished surface
with surface roughness <50nm. The material of the slit is Tungsten Carbide. 
Attachment 1: 1-s2.0-0168583X88900122-main.pdf
1-s2.0-0168583X88900122-main.pdf 1-s2.0-0168583X88900122-main.pdf 1-s2.0-0168583X88900122-main.pdf 1-s2.0-0168583X88900122-main.pdf 1-s2.0-0168583X88900122-main.pdf
  367   Fri May 21 15:20:54 2021 Rui-Jiu ChenRunsStop DAQ2021
Sergey is optimizing beam cycle. 
  63   Thu Mar 19 09:43:28 2020 LaszloGeneralStatus of the ESR 
After two days of tuning the beam, yesterday evening (~8pm), it was found out that within one ESR pattern using the new control system the harmonics of the cavities cannot be changed. This gives us a fatal limitation, that we cannot go lower 
than 10MeV/u with the beam energy.
-As a first attempt we try to reach this 10MeV/u with two steps deceleration (first to 30MeV/u). At this 10MeV/u we have the p,n channel opened as well, which based on TALYS gives significant, weird shaped background in the spot of the p,g 
peak both in xy and xE histos.
-A second option would be that we inject the beam to ESR roughly at 330MeV/u. Then we can decelerate until 5MeV/u, but there is no stochastic, neither e-cooling available. This result to a "hot" decelerated beam with intensity factor 5 less 
(in optimistic scenario). But for this the whole tuning phase (the first two days of the beam time) must be remade, we have to start basically from scratch. 

It is "funny" that we have a very limited 5 days of beam time which is spent estimately >99% with, from the physics point of view, completely useless beam manipulation issues, which in a normal world must be done already in the engineering 
beam time... 
It is quite challenging to stay positive at the current status (not positive in the sense of the growing Corona-virus). 
  422   Mon May 24 17:23:41 2021 Pierre-Michel, EnisGeneralStatus of gas-target cooling2021
Around 17:15 cooling had "unknown status 6"
At 17:21 cooling: "pumping in progress"
Around 17:41 cooling had "unknown status 6"

At 18:16 "unkown status 0"
At 18:21 "ok"

At 19:26 "unknown status 0"
At 19:31 "ok"
  266   Tue Mar 24 10:59:18 2020 JanCalibrationSources - Specifications 
We used the following sources:

Am241 (OM666) [GSI - Uwe]
Reference Activity: 430 kBq
Uncertainty: 3%
Reference Date: 19.09.2006

Ba133 hi (AN-5868) [GSI - Kozuharov]
Reference Activity: 438 kBq
Uncertainty: 3%
Reference Date: 01.06.2019

Ba133 low (OL 918) [GSI - Angela]
Reference Activity: 39.7 kBq
Uncertainty: 3%
Reference Date: 08.09.2006

Pb210 (2015-1552) [GUF - Rene]
Reference Activity: 7.42 (15) kBq
Uncertainty: 0.15/7.42 = 2%
Reference Date: 01.01.2016
Attachment 1: Pb-210-1.pdf
Pb-210-1.pdf Pb-210-1.pdf Pb-210-1.pdf
Attachment 2: 241Am_Uwe.pdf
241Am_Uwe.pdf 241Am_Uwe.pdf 241Am_Uwe.pdf 241Am_Uwe.pdf 241Am_Uwe.pdf 241Am_Uwe.pdf 241Am_Uwe.pdf 241Am_Uwe.pdf
Attachment 3: 133Ba_low.pdf
133Ba_low.pdf 133Ba_low.pdf 133Ba_low.pdf 133Ba_low.pdf 133Ba_low.pdf 133Ba_low.pdf 133Ba_low.pdf 133Ba_low.pdf
Attachment 4: 133Ba_hi.pdf
133Ba_hi.pdf 133Ba_hi.pdf 133Ba_hi.pdf 133Ba_hi.pdf 133Ba_hi.pdf
  17   Tue Jul 9 15:26:59 2019 Yuanming XingSimulationsSimulated Rutherford scattering distribution on detector 
Simulated Rutherford scattering distribution on detector

   Beam: 111Sn
   Luminosity: 3.08 /mb/s
   Distance between the detector and central orbit: 2.80cm

   Particle Number in the simulation: 5 Million

   Beam quality used in MOCADI input file:
0.27386, 0.182573, 0, -4.0, 0
0.131477, 0.383186, 0, 0.0,  0
0.02, 0, 0, 0.0, 0

1. Beam Energy: 6MeV/u
2. Beam Energy: 7MeV/u 

3. Beam Energy: 8MeV/u 
Attachment 1: 6MeV.png
Attachment 2: 7MeV.png
Attachment 3: 8MeV.png
  199   Sun Mar 22 17:47:27 2020 Laszlo Si, Xrays target density spectra during 118Te afternoon measurement 
We got 30 counts out of this afternoon 118Te run on our Si TargetON histo.
That 1 count at bin (6,10) I dont understand.

Now i can see peaks both at the 35 and 90 angle Xray spectra but not much on the 145 one.
At the end the target density stayed at 8.6E13.
Attachment 1: End_of_118Te_runs.png
Attachment 2: target_density_during_118Te_afternoon_runs.png
  390   Sat May 22 17:13:48 2021 LaszloDetectorsSi position changed2021
Si was moved from -25 mm to -19 mm before run 0072.
  203   Sun Mar 22 19:15:03 2020 Laszlo Si moved out of the ring, high voltage is switched off 
  35   Fri Feb 21 11:29:02 2020 LaszloGeneralShift plan 
  69   Fri Mar 20 01:22:23 2020 ShahabRunsSetting for Gas target 
Setting for the machines.
Attachment 1: IMG_20200320_012048.jpg
  391   Sat May 22 17:15:26 2021 LaszloGeneralScraper position2021
We found the beam axis with the scraper to be -17.5 mm.
The Scraper position set to +12.5 mm, 30 mm relative from the beam.
  239   Mon Mar 23 11:32:42 2020 LaszloGeneralSIS went down again 
run101 is stopped
  232   Mon Mar 23 09:33:11 2020 LaszloGeneralSIS failure again! 
run096 is stopped
  210   Mon Mar 23 00:13:25 2020 LaszloGeneralSIS and ESR beam currents 
Attachment 1: 2020-03-23_00-09-48-737.png
Attachment 2: 2020-03-23_00-21-43-581.png
  554   Sun May 30 00:14:58 2021 Oliver, DiegoGeneralSIS Pattern changed2021
The pattern in SIS was changed so that we get more injections into ESR. Before HTD had 9 seconds which resulted in a timeout in the ESR. Now HTD has 10 seconds which improved a lot...
  217   Mon Mar 23 03:07:11 2020 ShahabRunsSIS Kicker problem 
After calling ESR on-call duty (M. Steck) he confirmed that the ESR is fine and suspected the SIS kicker modules.

SIS operators then checked and could confirm that module 5 is out of order and module 4 sometimes works sometimes not.

They asked me I said better to run as good as possible with lower number of modules until the end of experiment, then later change the module. because otherwise changing module might take time.

they tried to increase the kick angle to check if they can move the spot to the center.

some shots went well but mostly failed.

they decided to call the Rufbereitschaft.

meanwhile I started the run number 93 to at least collect some data from some of the correct shots.

if counts are too high I will stop it.

let's see.
Attachment 1: IMG_20200323_021051.jpg
  223   Mon Mar 23 05:59:01 2020 ShahabRunsSIS Kicker  
SIS Kicker seems to be working properly. but we have to see how regularly it will work.
  363   Fri May 21 11:55:24 2021 JanDetectorsSI MSCF settings v12021
attached are the settings for all MSCFs.
Settings are optimized for DSSD only, not BaF!
Attachment 1: setting_test.1621590878
Fri May 21 11:54:38 CEST 2021
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getGainCommon 5
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getShapingTimeCommon 3
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThresholdCommon 8
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPzCommon  100
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getGainCommon 5
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getShapingTimeCommon 3
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThresholdCommon 8
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPzCommon  100
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getGain1     4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getGain2     4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getGain3     4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getGain4     4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getShapingTime1 1
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getShapingTime2 1
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getShapingTime3 1
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getShapingTime4 1
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getGain1     9
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getGain2     4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getGain3     8
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getGain4     8
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getShapingTime1 2
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getShapingTime2 2
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getShapingTime3 2
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getShapingTime4 2
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold1 4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold2 4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold3 4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold4 1
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold5 4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold6 4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold7 4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold8 4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold9 4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold10 5
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold11 5
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold12 5
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold13 3
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold14 4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold15 5
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold16 5
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz1       128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz2       128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz3       128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz4       128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz5       128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz6       128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz7       128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz8       128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz9       128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz10      128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz11      128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz12      128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz13      128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz14      128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz15      128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getPz16      128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold1 255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold2 255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold3 0
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold4 255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold5 255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold6 255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold7 255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold8 255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold9 255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold10 255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold11 0
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold12 255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold13 255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold14 255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold15 0
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshold16 255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz1       128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz2       128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz3       87
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz4       255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz5       255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz6       255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz7       255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz8       255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz9       255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz10      255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz11      85
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz12      255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz13      255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz14      255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz15      85
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getPz16      255
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getSingleChMode 0
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getSingleChMode 0
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getRcMode    1
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getRcMode    1
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getAutoPZ    0
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getAutoPZ    0
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getMultiplicityHi 8
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getMultiplicityHi 8
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getMultiplicityLo 4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getMultiplicityLo 4
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getSumTrgThresh 10
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getSumTrgThresh 10
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getBlrOn     1
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getBlrOn     1
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getCoincTime 128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getCoincTime 128
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshOffset 100
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getThreshOffset 100
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getShaperOffset 100
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getShaperOffset 100
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getBlrThresh 25
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getBlrThresh 25
e127pi:mrcc:mscf1:getECLDelay  0
e127pi:mrcc:mscf2:getECLDelay  0
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getGainCommon 15
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getShapingTimeCommon 3
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThresholdCommon 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPzCommon 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getGain1  6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getGain2  6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getGain3  6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getGain4  6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getShapingTime1 3
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getShapingTime2 3
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getShapingTime3 3
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getShapingTime4 3
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold1 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold2 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold3 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold4 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold5 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold6 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold7 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold8 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold9 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold10 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold11 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold12 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold13 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold14 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold15 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshold16 6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz1    6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz2    3
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz3    3
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz4    1
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz5    35
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz6    35
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz7    35
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz8    35
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz9    35
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz10   35
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz11   6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz12   6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz13   6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz14   6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz15   6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getPz16   6
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getSingleChMode 0
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getRcMode 1
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getAutoPZ 0
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getMultiplicityHi 8
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getMultiplicityLo 1
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getSumTrgThresh 100
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getBlrOn  0
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getCoincTime 100
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getThreshOffset 1
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getShaperOffset 100
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getBlrThresh 10
atpnuc006:mrcc:mscf1:getECLDelay 0
  133   Sat Mar 21 15:26:49 2020 LaszloGeneralSCRAPER is ON use again 
Yuri puts back the scraper (Egelhof 1 - GE01DD1IG) into position = +19. (where it was in the evening)
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b