E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 17 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subject Year
  255   Mon Mar 23 16:21:33 2020 LaszloCalibrationrun107 - Xray90 calib Am241, distance 167.5mm 
Detector: 90
Source: Am241 
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 15:46:49 23.03.2020
Stop time:  17:32 23.03.2020

file name: run107_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 610Hz
dead-time:  7%

not Gaussian shaped peaks, after previous investigations with the scope, the scope is disconnected.

Just to mention, in order to improve deadtime the other two Xray dets are disconnected.
  254   Mon Mar 23 16:17:58 2020 LaszloCalibrationrun106 - garbage! 
run106 was clicked by accident, please delete!
  253   Mon Mar 23 15:48:15 2020 LaszloCalibrationrun105 - Xray90 calib Am241, distance 167.5mm, wrong? 
Detector: 90
Source: Am241 
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 15:46:49 23.03.2020
Stop time:  

file name: run105_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 610Hz
dead-time:  7.5%

suspiciously not Gaussian shaped peaks --> investigation with oscilloscope
  251   Mon Mar 23 14:32:03 2020 JanAnalysisruns_100to104 NO-SCRAPER RESULTS 
Without scraper, we have very few (p,g) counts, hard to get numbers quickly, maybe ~50.

X-rays look fine!
  250   Mon Mar 23 14:23:01 2020 Pierre-MichelDAQBackup recoil files 
Recoil detector files backup to lxg1260:/data.local2/hillenbrand/Laszlo
  249   Mon Mar 23 14:12:54 2020 RaganRunsE127 experiment stops 
close file : run104 (14:12:44)
E127 experiment finishes on a successful note )) Congratulations to the entire team !!
  248   Mon Mar 23 14:12:18 2020 E127 teamRunsrun entry - run103, scrapper is inserted 
open file : run103
Scrapper is inserted
  247   Mon Mar 23 14:02:07 2020 RaganRunsrun entry - run104, scrapper is removed 

beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

we run at MAX INTENSITY as we can: SIS was increased to its top, but unfortunately we still end up with 1.5e9 at injection from SIS. Sergey also optimized some stuff.

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER OFF --> this leakage current spikes associated with primary scattering from the scraper edge seem to disappear, but we get still 10kHz rate on the detector a few sec after injection(this small "bump" 
after the peak in the Si current - see the picture below)

Detector position (Si): -27 mm
GE01DD1IG position (Scraper): 9 mm

run start at , first file: run102_0001.lmd
run stop  at , last file:  run_0xxx.lmd


time: 14:02

ON Rates
Si_X:       0 Hz
Si_Y:       0 Hz
Xray_35:    00 Hz
Xray_90:    34 Hz
Xray_145:   47 Hz
BaF_OR:     ---

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.34 uA with spikes for 3s long after injection roughly 10uA

SIS particles before:           3.13e9
ESR current at injection:       5.8e7?? (we see a bug: like the number of particles increases in the bunching phase)
ESR particles after decel.:     1.71e7? (it is hard to catch exactly)
Target ON density:              3.95e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
  246   Mon Mar 23 13:42:18 2020 RaganRunsrun entry - run104, scrapper is removed 
open file : run104
Scrapper is removed
  245   Mon Mar 23 13:40:16 2020 RaganRunsrun entry - run103, scrapper moved by accident 
open file : run103
Scrapper was put back and than taken out again by miscommunication. run103 is made while using the scraper
  244   Mon Mar 23 13:26:59 2020 JanAnalysisruns_90to99 SCRAPER RESULTS 
With scraper, we have roughly 150-200 (p,g) counts now.

X-rays look fine!
  243   Mon Mar 23 13:23:59 2020 Ragan, RuiJiu, Pierre-MichelRunsrun entry - run102 
open file : run102

beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

we run at MAX INTENSITY as we can: SIS was increased to its top, but unfortunately we still end up with 1.5e9 at injection from SIS. Sergey also optimized some stuff.

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER OFF --> this leakage current spikes associated with primary scattering from the scraper edge seem to disappear, but we get still 10kHz rate on the detector a few sec after injection(this small "bump" 
after the peak in the Si current - see the picture below)

Detector position (Si): -27 mm
GE01DD1IG position (Scraper): 9 mm

run start at 12:49, first file: run102_0001.lmd
run stop  at ,13:38 last file:  run_0xxx.lmd


time: 13:24

ON Rates
Si_X:       1 Hz
Si_Y:       1 Hz
Xray_35:    10 Hz
Xray_90:    34 Hz
Xray_145:   22 Hz
BaF_OR:     ---

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.32 uA with spikes for 3s long after injection roughly 10uA

SIS particles before:           2e9
ESR current at injection:       5.8e7?? (we see a bug: like the number of particles increases in the bunching phase)
ESR particles after decel.:     1.44e7? (it is hard to catch exactly)
Target ON density:              4.07e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
  242   Mon Mar 23 12:54:02 2020 Pierre-Michel, LaszloRunsrun entry - run102 
open file : run102

beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

we run at MAX INTENSITY as we can: SIS was increased to its top, but unfortunately we still end up with 1.5e9 at injection from SIS. Sergey also optimized some stuff.

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER OFF --> this leakage current spikes associated with primary scattering from the scraper edge seem to disappear, but we get still 10kHz rate on the detector a few sec after injection(this small "bump" 
after the peak in the Si current - see the picture below)

Detector position (Si): -27 mm
GE01DD1IG position (Scraper): 9 mm

run start at 12:49, first file: run102_0001.lmd
run stop  at , last file:  run_0xxx.lmd


time: 12:55

ON Rates
Si_X:       1 Hz
Si_Y:       1 Hz
Xray_35:    2 Hz
Xray_90:    70 Hz
Xray_145:   50 Hz
BaF_OR:     ---

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.31 uA with spikes for 3s long after injection roughly 10uA

SIS particles before:           2.7e9
ESR current at injection:       5.8e7?? (we see a bug: like the number of particles increases in the bunching phase)
ESR particles after decel.:     1.5e6? (it is hard to catch exactly)
Target ON density:              4.6e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
  241   Mon Mar 23 12:30:39 2020 laszloAnalysiswith and without scraper 
  240   Mon Mar 23 11:35:52 2020 Laszlo,SergeyRunsrun entry - run102 
open file : run102

beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

we run at MAX INTENSITY as we can: SIS was increased to its top, but unfortunately we still end up with 1.5e9 at injection from SIS. Sergey also optimized some stuff.

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER OFF 

Detector position (Si): -27 mm
GE01DD1IG position (Scraper): 9 mm

run start at 10:12, first file: run101_0001.lmd
run stop  at , last file:  run_0xxx.lmd


time: 11:08

ON Rates
Si_X:       1 Hz
Si_Y:       1 Hz
Xray_35:    2 Hz
Xray_90:    62 Hz
Xray_145:   26 Hz
BaF_OR:     ---

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.29 uA with spikes for 3s long after injection roughly 10uA

SIS particles before:           2.7e8
ESR current at injection:       5.8e7?? (we see a bug: like the number of particles increases in the bunching phase)
ESR particles after decel.:     7e6? (it is hard to catch exactly)
Target ON density:              4.2e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
  239   Mon Mar 23 11:32:42 2020 LaszloGeneralSIS went down again 
run101 is stopped
  238   Mon Mar 23 11:17:42 2020 Laszlo,SergeyRunsrun entry - run101 
open file : run101

beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

we run at MAX INTENSITY as we can: SIS was increased to its top, but unfortunately we still end up with 1.5e9 at injection from SIS. Sergey also optimized some stuff.

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER OFF --> this leakage current spikes associated with primary scattering from the scraper edge seem to disappear, but we get still 10kHz rate on the detector a few sec after injection(this small "bump" 
after the peak in the Si current - see the picture below)

Detector position (Si): -27 mm
GE01DD1IG position (Scraper): 9 mm

run start at 10:12, first file: run101_0001.lmd
run stop  at , last file:  run_0xxx.lmd


time: 11:08

ON Rates
Si_X:       1 Hz
Si_Y:       1 Hz
Xray_35:    2 Hz
Xray_90:    62 Hz
Xray_145:   26 Hz
BaF_OR:     ---

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.29 uA with spikes for 3s long after injection roughly 10uA

SIS particles before:           2.7e8
ESR current at injection:       5.8e7?? (we see a bug: like the number of particles increases in the bunching phase)
ESR particles after decel.:     7e6? (it is hard to catch exactly)
Target ON density:              4.2e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
  237   Mon Mar 23 11:00:29 2020 Laszlo,SergeyRunsrun entry - run100 - SCRAPER removed! 
open file : run100

beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

SIS intensity increased factor 2: 1.25e9, also Sergey tried to optimize these phase shift losses. 

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER OFF .--> papa Rutherford should come now

Detector position (Si): -27 mm
GE01DD1IG position (Scraper): 9 mm

run start at 10:12, first file: run100_0001.lmd
run stop  at , last file:  run_0xxx.lmd


time: 11:01

ON Rates
Si_X:       2 Hz
Si_Y:       2 Hz
Xray_35:    1 Hz
Xray_90:    70 Hz
Xray_145:   22 Hz
BaF_OR:     ---

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.2 uA with spikes for 3s long after injection roughly 10uA

SIS particles before:           2.7e8
ESR current at injection:       5.8e7?? (we see a bug: like the number of particles increases in the bunching phase)
ESR particles after decel.:     1e7 (it is hard to catch exactly)
Target ON density:              4.6e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
  236   Mon Mar 23 10:26:36 2020 Laszlo,YuryRunsrun entry - run099 
open file : run099

beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

SIS intensity increased factor 2: 1.25e9, also Sergey tried to optimize these phase shift losses. 

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER in scraping poisition--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.

Detector position (Si): -27 mm
GE01DD1IG position (Scraper): 9 mm

run start at 10:12, first file: run099_0001.lmd
run stop  at , last file:  run_0xxx.lmd


time: 10:25:59

ON Rates
Si_X:       2 Hz
Si_Y:       2 Hz
Xray_35:    1 Hz
Xray_90:    70 Hz
Xray_145:   22 Hz
BaF_OR:     ---

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.17 uA with spikes for 3s long after injection roughly 10uA

SIS particles before:           2.7e8
ESR current at injection:       5.8e7?? (we see a bug: like the number of particles increases in the bunching phase)
ESR particles after decel.:     1e7 (it is hard to catch exactly)
Target ON density:              5.4e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
  235   Mon Mar 23 10:08:12 2020 Laszlo,YuryRunsrun entry - run098 
open file : run098

beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

SIS is back in business again!

purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER in scraping poisition--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.

Detector position (Si): -27 mm
GE01DD1IG position (Scraper): 9 mm

run start at 10:12, first file: run098_0001.lmd
run stop  at , last file:  run_0xxx.lmd


time: 08:10

ON Rates
Si_X:       2 Hz
Si_Y:       2 Hz
Xray_35:    2 Hz
Xray_90:    57 Hz
Xray_145:   22 Hz
BaF_OR:     ---

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.17 uA

SIS particles before:           2.7e8
ESR current at injection:       5.3e7
ESR particles after decel.:     8e6 (it is hard to catch exactly)
Target ON density:              3.5e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b