E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 17 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Mon Mar 23 14:23:01 2020, Pierre-Michel, DAQ, Backup recoil files,  
Recoil detector files backup to lxg1260:/data.local2/hillenbrand/Laszlo
Entry  Mon Mar 23 14:12:54 2020, Ragan, Runs, E127 experiment stops,  
close file : run104 (14:12:44)
E127 experiment finishes on a successful note )) Congratulations to the entire team !!
Entry  Mon Mar 23 14:12:18 2020, E127 team, Runs, run entry - run103, scrapper is inserted,  
open file : run103
Scrapper is inserted
Entry  Mon Mar 23 14:02:07 2020, Ragan, Runs, run entry - run104, scrapper is removed,  

beam: 124Xe54+
Entry  Mon Mar 23 13:42:18 2020, Ragan, Runs, run entry - run104, scrapper is removed,  
open file : run104
Scrapper is removed
Entry  Mon Mar 23 13:40:16 2020, Ragan, Runs, run entry - run103, scrapper moved by accident,  
open file : run103
Scrapper was put back and than taken out again by miscommunication. run103 is made while using the scraper
Entry  Mon Mar 23 13:26:59 2020, Jan, Analysis, runs_90to99 SCRAPER RESULTS,  124Xe_Si_map.png124Xe_x-ray_35.png124Xe_x-ray_90.png124Xe_x-ray_145.png124Xe_Si_projection.png
With scraper, we have roughly 150-200 (p,g) counts now.

X-rays look fine!
Entry  Mon Mar 23 13:23:59 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Pierre-Michel, Runs, run entry - run102,  
open file : run102

beam: 124Xe54+
Entry  Mon Mar 23 12:54:02 2020, Pierre-Michel, Laszlo, Runs, run entry - run102,  
open file : run102

beam: 124Xe54+
Entry  Mon Mar 23 12:30:39 2020, laszlo, Analysis, with and without scraper,  124Xe_with_scraper_3D.png124Xe_with_scraper_2D.png124Xe_without_scraper_2D.png124Xe_without_scraper_3D.png
Entry  Mon Mar 23 11:35:52 2020, Laszlo,Sergey, Runs, run entry - run102,  
open file : run102

beam: 124Xe54+
Entry  Mon Mar 23 11:32:42 2020, Laszlo, General, SIS went down again,  
run101 is stopped
Entry  Mon Mar 23 11:17:42 2020, Laszlo,Sergey, Runs, run entry - run101,  2020-03-23_11-19-53-652.pnginjection_current_spike_withoutScraper.png
open file : run101

beam: 124Xe54+
Entry  Mon Mar 23 11:00:29 2020, Laszlo,Sergey, Runs, run entry - run100 - SCRAPER removed!,  
open file : run100

beam: 124Xe54+
Entry  Mon Mar 23 10:26:36 2020, Laszlo,Yury, Runs, run entry - run099,  2020-03-23_10-39-59-234.pnginjection_current_spike.png
open file : run099

beam: 124Xe54+
Entry  Mon Mar 23 10:08:12 2020, Laszlo,Yury, Runs, run entry - run098,  
open file : run098

beam: 124Xe54+
Entry  Mon Mar 23 10:06:12 2020, Laszlo, Runs, run entry - run097,  
this one is garbage
Entry  Mon Mar 23 09:47:05 2020, Laszlo, General, explanation of an ESR cycle,  ESR_cycle.pngIMG_20200323_095144.jpg
Entry  Mon Mar 23 09:33:11 2020, Laszlo, General, SIS failure again!,  
run096 is stopped
Entry  Mon Mar 23 09:22:12 2020, Laszlo,Yury, Runs, run entry - run096,  
open file : run096

beam: 124Xe54+
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b