E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 2 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Tue Mar 24 00:11:35 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run116 - Xray35 calib AM241, distance 334mm,  
Detector: 35
Source: 241Am
Distance: 334mm
Start time: 00:11:03 24.03.2020
Stop time:  10:01:4224.03.2020

file name: run116_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 20Hz
dead-time:  0%
Entry  Mon Mar 23 22:25:41 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run115 - Xray35 Ba133 d=334mm, Xray90 Lead source, d=167.5mm,  
Simultaneous measurement of Xray35 and Xray90. The dead-time is <3%

Detector: 35
Source: 133Ba - strong source
Distance: 334mm

Detector: 90
Source: Lead source
Distance: 167.5mm: the lead source was measured 3mm width with the source in the middle. Therefore, I set the paper zylinder to ~169mm distance. 

Start time: 22:25:22 23.03.2020
Stop time:  00:04:49 24.03.2020

file name: run115_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate35: 75Hz
avrg. rate90: 55Hz
dead-time:  2%

Uwe reduced the noise on the 145 degree detector as well. 

During measurement the oscilloscope remained connected!
Entry  Mon Mar 23 21:47:40 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run114 - Xray145 calib Ba133, distance 305mm - LESS NOISE,  
Detector: 145
Source: 133Ba - strong source
Distance: 305mm
Start time: 21:47:20 23.03.2020
Stop time:  22:04:06 23.03.2020

file name: run114_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 950Hz
dead-time:  11%

Uwe reduced the noise on the 145 degree detector as well. 

During measurement the oscilloscope remained connected!
Entry  Mon Mar 23 20:52:37 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run113 - Xray145 calib Am241, distance 305mm - LESS NOISE,  
Detector: 145
Source: 241Am
Distance: 305mm
Start time: 20:01:43 23.03.2020
Stop time:  21:43:34

file name: run113_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 220Hz
dead-time:  2.5%

Uwe reduced the noise on the 145 degree detector as well. 
Entry  Mon Mar 23 19:32:53 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run112 - Xray90 calib Am241, distance 200mm - LESS NOISE,  
Detector: 90
Source: 241Am
Distance: 200mm
Start time: 20:01:43 23.03.2020
Stop time:  

file name: run112_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 444Hz
dead-time:  5%

Uwe reduced the noise on the 90 degree detector (see elog entry)
Entry  Wed Mar 25 14:26:22 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run111 - Xray90 calib Am241, distance 167.5mm - LESS NOISE,  
Detector: 90
Source: 241Am
Distance: 167.5mm
.Start time: ? 23.03.2020
Stop time:  

file name: run111_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 444Hz
dead-time:  5%

Uwe reduced the noise on the 90 degree detector (see elog entry)
Entry  Mon Mar 23 18:17:27 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run110 - Xray90 calib Ba133, distance 167.5mm -low rate - LESS NOISE,  
Detector: 90
Source: Ba133 - weak source
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 18:14:50 23.03.2020
Stop time:  

file name: run110_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 160Hz
dead-time:  2%

Uwe reduced the noise on the 90 degree detector (see previous elog entry)
Entry  Mon Mar 23 17:40:33 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run109 - Xray90 calib Ba133, distance 167.5mm -low rate,  
Detector: 90
Source: Ba133 - weak source
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 17:40:11 23.03.2020
Stop time:  

file name: run109_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 170Hz
dead-time:  2%
Entry  Mon Mar 23 17:32:42 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run108 - Xray90 calib Ba133, distance 167.5mm - high rate - deadtime too high!,  
Detector: 90
Source: Ba133 - strong source
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 17:32:11 23.03.2020
Stop time:  17:35:34

file name: run108_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 2.7kHz
dead-time:  26%
Entry  Mon Mar 23 16:21:33 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run107 - Xray90 calib Am241, distance 167.5mm,  
Detector: 90
Source: Am241 
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 15:46:49 23.03.2020
Stop time:  17:32 23.03.2020

file name: run107_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 610Hz
dead-time:  7%

not Gaussian shaped peaks, after previous investigations with the scope, the scope is disconnected.

Just to mention, in order to improve deadtime the other two Xray dets are disconnected.
Entry  Mon Mar 23 16:17:58 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run106 - garbage!,  
run106 was clicked by accident, please delete!
Entry  Mon Mar 23 15:48:15 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run105 - Xray90 calib Am241, distance 167.5mm, wrong?,  
Detector: 90
Source: Am241 
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 15:46:49 23.03.2020
Stop time:  

file name: run105_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 610Hz
dead-time:  7.5%

suspiciously not Gaussian shaped peaks --> investigation with oscilloscope
Entry  Sun Mar 15 21:01:23 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run044 - Xray35 calib Ba133 - a night long run ,  run044_133Ba_high_35.png
Detector: 35
Source: Ba133
Distance: 334mm
Start time: 21:01:26 15.03.2020
Stop time:  7:11:07 16.03.2020

file name: run044_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 60Hz
dead-time:  1-2%


update at 05.04.2020: the cables were probably twisted between the 90 and the 145 angle detectors. However, the id of the detector doesnt change, since there were no simultanious measurements (one source used with one detector a detector at a time)
Entry  Sun Mar 15 20:26:08 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run043 - Xray35 calib Am241,  run043_241Am_35.png
Detector: 35
Source: Am241
Distance: 334mm
Start time: 20:25:48 15.03.2020
Stop time:  20:56:56 15.03.2020

file name: run043_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 20Hz
dead-time:  ~0%


update at 05.05.2020: the cables were probably twisted between the 90 and the 145 angle detectors.
Entry  Sun Mar 15 19:46:34 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run042 - Xray35 calib Ba133 - high rate,  
Detector: 35
Source: Ba133, strong source
Distance: 334mm
Start time: 19:46:54 15.03.2020
Stop time:  20:20:14 15.03.2020

file name: run042_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 60Hz
dead-time:  1%
Entry  Sun Mar 15 19:22:58 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run041 - Xray145 calib Ba133 - high rate,  run041_133Ba_high_90.png
Detector: 145
Source: Ba133
Distance: 305mm
Start time: 19:22:34 15.03.2020
Stop time: 19:38:44 15.03.2020

file name: run041_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 1kHz
dead-time:  11%


update at 05.05.2020: the cables were probably twisted between the 90 and the 145 angle detectors.
Entry  Sun Mar 15 18:53:42 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run040 - Xray145 calib Am241,  run040_241Am_90.png
Detector: 145
Source: Am241
Distance: 305mm
Start time: 18:53:16 15.03.2020
Stop time: 19:18:35 15.03.2020

file name: run040_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 230Hz
dead-time:  3%


update at 05.05.2020: the cables were probably twisted between the 90 and the 145 angle detectors.
Entry  Sun Mar 15 18:09:19 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run039 - Xray90 calib Ba133,  
Detector: 90
Source: Ba133
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 18:10:02 15.03.2020
Stop time:  18:47:36 15.03.2020

file name: run039_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 150Hz
dead-time:  2%
Entry  Sun Mar 15 17:50:42 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run038 - Xray90 calib Ba133, high rate,  run038_133Ba_high_145.png
Detector: 90
Source: Ba133 - high rate
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 17:53:38 15.03.2020
Stop time: 18:05:41 15.03.2020

file name: run038_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 2.6kHz
dead-time:  26%


update at 05.05.2020: the cables were probably twisted between the 90 and the 145 angle detectors.
Entry  Sun Mar 15 17:33:17 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, run037 - Xray90 calib Am241,  run037_241Am_145.png
Detector: 90
Source: Am241 
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 17:40:00 15.03.2020
Stop time:  17:49:57 15.03.2020

file name: run037_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 620Hz
dead-time:  7%


update at 05.05.2020: the cables were probably twisted between the 90 and the 145 angle detectors.
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b