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  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 103     Entry time: Tue Apr 5 23:07:34 2022
Author: Carsten 
Category: Accelerator 
Subject: 229Th89+ identification after re-tuning of the ESR 
The ESR was retuned this aftenoon since the it was unclear if we still sit the 229Th89+ line.
This lead to new ring settings (data with all the settings will be put in tomorrow).

Thhe ESR had to leave at around 1900 so we did not find the time for finetuning and adjustments of the bunching.

Yet, we performed the particle identification with:
- (1) Energy of the SIS in the maximum of 238U92+ (534MeV/u) but ring settings Brho etc. and Cooler voltage already for 229Th89+ (+1937 kV compared to optimal settings for 238U92+) (Ucool according to "green" voltage measurement in Messhütte) 
- (2) Energy of SIS +3.5 MeV/u (maximiun of 229/89+ production), ESR with identical settings as for te ID run.

In setting (1) the priary beam is still in the ring aceptance and can be used as a unique identifier, but it is cooled very slowly.

In the measurement we typicall have 500mA at injection (fast cooling) and 100 mA for the measurement (lon glifetime of beam), but for the particle ID we also used 500MA in order toaccelerate cooling.
The ion beam slowlly grows as the ions are cooled in and gets the strongest line but also fades out much faster than the other peakks during a much higher recombination (=capture of cooler electron) than the 229Th89+. (Empty K-shell comared to 1e- in K-shell => factor of 2 recombination in cooler).

Frequencies (stopped in machine 5):

242.047 MHz (238U92+, @ 500mA) in machine #5
242.277 MHz (229/89+, @ 500mA) in machine #5
minus 4.65kHz for 100mA ecurrent

Voltage settings for cooler:
Sc3 (500mA, 209794V)
SC5,7 (100mA, 209750.06V)
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b