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  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 14     Entry time: Thu Mar 3 21:39:21 2022
Author: Rodolfo 
Category: Laser 
Subject: Dye solution, DCM in Ethanol and DMSO 
I have prepared a new dye solution of DCM in Ethanol and DMSO (1:1). The concentration of the "oscillator + preamplifier" is 0,3 g/l. The concentration of the "main amplifier" is 0,0375 g/l or "1/8" the concentration of the "oscillator".

Using 500 mJ pump energy (@ 532 nm) I get 120 mJ ouf of the dye laser (@ 640 nm). After the Frequency Conversion Unit I get 32 mJ (@ 320 nm).

Because the Biochemielabor will be not accessible during the first days of the Thorium beamtime, I have prepared enough reservoir for 7 days (assuming the laser system will run 24/7).
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