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  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 176     Entry time: Sat Apr 9 03:57:10 2022
Author: Carsten 
Category: Accelerator 
Subject: New Cooler voltage after the crash of the cooler 
After the restart of the cooler the Ohmlabs divider showed a voltage 16V lower than before. This could also be seen as a slight shift in the Schottky lines w.r.t to the bunching frequency and the marker. Corrected
the voltages at injection to DeltaU +3963V and in Sc 5/7 to + 3943V. Now perfect match with the old Schottky frequency.

Note: During the crash we found out that the device GECEKD2D did not show proper values. GECEKD2D is responsible for clearing the cooler of slow trapped ions ("clearing electrode").
Hence, the 16V may be due to partial filling of the space charge potential of te elctron beam.
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b