E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 181     Entry time: Sat Apr 9 06:25:22 2022
Author: Max, Kristian 
Category: Runs 
Subject: morning shift runs 
DAQ1: lxg1927:/data.local2/BeamTimeTh22/
DAQ2: lxg0155:/data.local2/E142/
LMD file name DAQ1:229Thor
LMD file name DAQ2:229Th

Shottky marker pos: 243.973MHz

TimeSIS-intensitycooler-HVLMD-DAQ1 start-endLMD-DAQ2 start-endscan range(nm)step width(nm)dwell time(s)comments
xx:xxx.xe9209xxx00xx78xx32x.x - 32x.x0.01xsketch for filling the table
06:401.7e92096190098-00997836323.2 - 321.20.0024slaser pulse energy is @ ~12mJ after SHG
09:351.4e92096240101-01017838-7838323.2 - 322.80.0023sonly 0.5nm range, WM power + coupling tuned to scan range, Konstantin updated LV code to hold Cobra Set WL value, aborted LV readout problem
11:251.0e92096220102 - 1027839-7839323.2 - 322.80.0023sLV readout problem solved. WM readout is wrong (Cobra set is good)
12:15old beam2096220103 - 1037840-7840323.2 - 322.80.0023s WM readout is wrong
12:502.3e92096170104 - 1047841-7841323.2 - 322.80.0023s couldnt open go4 stream view, stopped after one good scan
13:202.0e92096170104 - 1057842-7842323.2 - 322.80.0023s first scan with LV correct
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b