Time | SIS-intensity | cooler-HV | LMD-DAQ1 start-end | LMD-DAQ2 start-end | scan range(nm) | step width(nm) | dwell time(s) | comments
xx:xx | x.xe9 | 209xxx | 0xxx | 78xx | 32x.x - 32x.x | 0.002 | x | sketch for filling the table
15:14 | 1.5e9 | 209624 | 0111-0111 | 7847-7847 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | DAQ 2 no VUPROM TDC Pat south
xx:xx | 1.5e9 | 209624 | 0111-0111 | 7847-7847 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | DAQ 2 changed TDC part south from ch 8 to ch 10
17:05 | 2.2e9 | 209624 | 0113-0113 | 7848-7848 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | successful scan
19:04 | 1.8e9 | 209616 | 0116-0116 | 7850-7850 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | Intensity optimization, see below, DAQ 2 TDC part south back to channel 8 - ok, XUV detector and Cu mirror moved correctly, lost the laser beam after the half of the second loop
19:49 | 1.8e9 | 209614 | 0117-0117 | 7851-7851 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | successful scan
20:28 | 2.0e9 | 209622 | 0118-0118 | 7852-7852 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | successful scan
21:07 | 2.2e9 | 209623 | 0119-119 | 7853-7853 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | successful scan
22:01 | 1.8e9 | 209621 | 0122-0122 | 7856-7856 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | successful scan
22:41 | ? | 209620 | 0123 | 7857 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | First scan started by night shift
23:21 | 1.1e9 | 209620 | 0124 | 7858 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | mbs crashed at 'sta ac'
23:32 | 1.3e9 | 209618 | 0125 | 7859 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | e-cooler turned off
23:50 | 1.5e9 | 209xxx | 0126 | 7860 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | the stop point was not set
23:53 | 1.5e9 | 209611 | 0127 | 7861 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | DAQ2 must have crashed between 23:30 - 23:50
00:07 | 1.9e9 | 209xxx | 0128 | 7862 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | mbs crashed at 'sta ac'
00:23 | 1.7e9 | 209623 | 0131 | 7864 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | successful scan. we 'resl' after every measurement from now on. 'open file' is included in '@startup' now (ID:190).
01:08 | 1.6e9 | 209623 | 0132 | 7865 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | successful scan
01:47 | 1.6e9 | 209623 | 0133 | 7866 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | successful scan
02:35 | 1.3e9 | 209623 | 0134 | 7868 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | successful scan
03:19 | 2.0e9 | 209622 | 0135 | 7869 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | successful scan
04:04 | 1.3e9 | 209622 | 0136 | 7870 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | successful scan
04:44 | 1.0e9 | 209622 | 0137 | 7871 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | e-cooler turned off
05:25 | 1.9e9 | 209622 | 0140 | 7875 | 323.2 - 322.8 | 0.002 | 5s | successful scan. DAQ1 was started ~7s before DAQ2. The files between the last measurement an this one are essentially empty.